I need tips on how to get 64oz of fluids in daily.

I am only able to get in 48oz the most daily. Any tips will help.    — skinniminnie (posted on February 13, 2010)

February 13, 2010
i am filling a 30 oz. container full of ice then adding the water. i then fill a 3 oz glass full and carry the glass around with me till it needs filling again.
   — Gary123

February 13, 2010
   — tmparker

February 13, 2010
Hi... I HATE water, so right after surgery, I drank a lot of IsoPure ready-to-drink protein drinks in the 20 ounce bottles. They have 40 grams of protein, and they are clear liquid, so you can count them as "water". I also drank a lot of herbal tea - especially mint and tangerine orange zinger. I would mix one of the New Whey protein bullets in with the tea, so it gave it a tangy flavor that was not unpleasant. I also found that for me, at least, WARM liquids felt so much better on my pouch. Even now, I drink all my liquids as hot as I can get them out of the tap. Anyways, I'm not allowed to drink the protein drinks anymore, so I drink Crystal Light. They actually have CL with fiber now, and I've been told I need to get in at least 25 grams of fiber a day, and it's got 3 grams per 16 ounce serving, so I drink a lot of it. Once again, I fill my bottle up with HOT water from the tap, and add the Crystal Light, and that's how I drink it. I even take a bottle (I recycle my aquafina flavor splash bottles and use them for my Crystal Light because they've got nice tight screw on caps) to bed with me so I can sip on it at night if I wake up. That way, between the time I go to bed and the time I get up, I've already had almost 16 ounces of my daily requirement. I try to drink another 8 oz before I eat breakfast....then about an hour after breakfast, I have a HUGE cup of tea (mint magic mixed with chocolate "smooth move" tea that helps keep me regular), and then I just keep my Crystal Light bottle with me at all times for the rest of the day. I even take a couple of packets of CL along in my purse in case I run out and need to get a refill. People look kind of funny when I ask them for HOT water from the tap, but it's what feels best on my pouch. Try it, it might make a difference for you, too!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

February 13, 2010
Schedule your drinking. sip sip sip. stop 1/2 hour before meals. Begin 1/2 hour after meals. Keep track of how much you sip during the day.
   — cydthekid50

February 13, 2010
I ate a lot of sugar free popsicles early out. Each one is 2 oz and counted toward my fluid intake goal. They weren't my only source of course but they went down easier than liquids. Didn't seem to fill me up as quickly.
   — Arkin10

February 13, 2010
I fill three G2 Gatorade bottles of water a day and when they are done so am I. It is hard when you first had the surgery but it does get easier, how far long are you?
   — FSUMom

February 13, 2010
I found carrying around a 64 oz container was a pain so I found a 20 oz container much easier to carry around at work.One at breakfast/lunch and then at dinner. The other 4 ounces are just added through the day. I am always over my 64 ozs each day this way. I also place a pkg of Special K in it to pump up the protein level at the same time. Hope this helps
   — karensaporito

February 13, 2010
This is what I do...but I'm 7 months out from banding... I also had a very hard time getting in enough liquid (and protein) for the first 2-3 months. 1. I always drink 8 oz of water whenever I take my morning and evening pills/vitamins/calcium . (16 oz) 2. I drink I make myself a double cup in the morning (24 oz). (I have a Keurig, so I just run the water through the same K-cup twice) 3. I work at a desk, so I've started filling a 2qt pitcher with ice at home and then at work I hit the water fountain and make up a pitcher of crystal lite. That sits on my desk with a mug and I work on that ALL DAY LONG!!!! (64 oz). (NOTE: This encourages getting up from the desk and walking around periodically...specifically to the ladies room! :) 4. Evening hot tea (12 oz) OMG...that 120 oz!! I'm usually fine even if I'm not 100% on my "routine" 5. At home or on off days I follow the same routine... I make up the daily pitcher of CL, or if I'm on the go I use 2-1qt plastic juice bottles that I can carry along in the car.
   — T_D

February 14, 2010
sip sip sip when I ran behind I set a minute timer for 30 seconds and sipped everytime it went off and reset it over and over...but that was drastic for me. I just tried to increase it every day. I got dehydrated and it took me 3 weeks to get back on track. so please try to get them in! try heating up v-8 ..seasoned to be like soup...and spoon it in. try broth also. trying hot fluids may make getting some in easier. Hot can find sug free or no sugar added for few calories. Just try and one day you will be amazed at how easy it was! best of luck on your journey! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

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