Baked Chicken Wings

I'm 6 months post op RNY can I eat baked chicken wings or is that too much fat to consume?    — Kbrisbon (posted on January 26, 2009)

January 26, 2009
I am almost 9 months post op and have a very hard time with any type of animal fat....chicken wings, chicknet and turky skin, fatty cuts of beef, pork skin....My husband has been eating chicken wings since 6 months out....all you can do is try them and see...I will say that they are the worst part of the chicken to eat health wise, but an occasional treat may not be bad....
   — lori042499

January 26, 2009
I will be 1 yr out on 1/30/09 and still have a hard time tolerating any type of fat. The only chicken I can get in a few bites of is the skinless chicken breast baked on a low heat setting and then add a little water to keep it moist. I would try not to eat many chicken wings due to the skin.
   — ts00052

January 26, 2009
Hi, Too much fat? WLS like everything else we humans do is an individual journey. If you can tolerate chicken wings on occasion; its fine. I wouldn't make a habit of them though because of their fat content. Try substituting protein or carbs instead. Healthy meal means using all the food groups. Good luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 26, 2009
Chicken wings are a lot of calories because they are covered in fatty skin. I can only eat 3 and I feel nauseous from the skin! And I take as much of the skin off as I can! But it's that derned must have blue cheese dressing that kills me! Eating leaner cuts of meat without skin and fat is so much better quality protein without added calories! But that's me trying to survive 5 years without gaining weight...I do a mental scan of all my calories and what I am eating daily...Sometimes I have to log my food in a journal when the scale starts climbing,just to make sure I am still making good choices... And it shows me where I need to cut back. The sooner you start making really good choices the majority of the time...the longer you will be able to avoid old behavior from returning as a permanent struggle. I'm not saying never eat chicken wings again...Just don't eat them all the time...Eat them on days you didn't eat much and could spare a few extra calories...Moderation ...Eat a few as opposed to a large plate of them! Use them as a side rahter than the main course. Then again..I can take a healthy lean 4 oz chicken breast and not think twice about smothering it in cheese! So I guess you really need to pick your demons wisely if you want to stay thin and healthy! Especially chicken wings that go ever so nicely with ranch or blue cheese (all fat dressing) Yum! I wanted chicken wings yesterday when I saw them at Costco...Made my mouth water...But I passed them up along with the italian bread and pizza! :::Sniffles:::I did get Chilian Sea Bass raw almonds, yogurt, blueberries, lamb chops, grapefruits, tomatoes, shrimp, Laughing Cow Cheese and Amy's Lentil Soup! Gotta do what ya gotta do!
   — .Anita R.

January 27, 2009
I remove the skin from any cut of chicken before I bake it or put it in the crock pot. Taking it off before cooking cuts more fat than doing it after. At 3 months out I haven't had a problem with the fat. I also let it cool and then scoop out any extra fat as well.
   — snickersblk

January 27, 2009
I'm not as far out as you but I'm scared to eat chicken wings. I remove all the skin and fat globs before coking everything. I like to think I'd pass on the wings. Believe me, coming from near Buffalo, it isn't always easy but I can put that sauce on skinless chicken breast or thighs and mix my blue cheese dressing with yogurt! Good luck!
   — Tina G.

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