Why can't you have coffee?

I have gone from 326 to 179. I am in a comfy size 10. The only thing I never have had since surgery is carbonated soda. I am told to restrict things like sugar and refined carbs but I was not told never to have them. My question is...why not coffee? I keep reading so many people told not to have coffee...why? I was not restricted from coffee so I have a cup every morning and that is all. Karen    — Karen D. (posted on March 7, 2011)

March 7, 2011
Some think that caffeine is dehydrating. Not so in normal amounts (2 - 3 cups/day). I'm not forbidden coffee either, but I am careful about what I put in it.. no sugar, no high-fat, high calorie creamer.
   — Lisaizme

March 7, 2011
I also was told not to have coffee because of the caffeine will dehydrate you. I am 8 months out and have not had one cup of Dunkin Donuts. Thinking about it but I haven't yet.
   — slvbullet

March 7, 2011
I waited a year... now I'm a CLICK-aholic.....have to have one a day for breakfast before my workout, then after my workout I have a protein snack.
   — Carla C.

March 7, 2011
I do Dunkin Donuts decaf. I do have it with cream, but no sugar. My surgery was in July 2009, lost 130 pounds. I used to like 2-3 spoons of sugar for the coffee to taste good to me. The other day, when I bought my coffee and went to work. When I tasted the coffee, they had put sugar in it. I thought I would be like, "Ooh goodie. Well gotta drink it! Their mistake!" But no, I threw it out....and the sweetness was not all that appealing to me now. I have come to like it just fine with no sugar.
   — browngathers

March 7, 2011
All the replies are excellent, I will add another one. My NUT told us the other day that caffeine also can make you hungry.
   — FSUMom

March 7, 2011
I am 14 months post RNY and sixty eight years old. I have been drinking coffee since I was about sixteen and after spending a carfer in the Navy am well addicted to it. I started out without any coffee. Coffee is a zanthane diaretic but I gave in after three months and went to decaf, I am now back to my oold STRONG coffee but restrict my intake to ten to twelve cups a morning. I do not recommend this for anyone else but for me it works. I am now working full time, but am still loosing weight. I have gone more than thirty pounds below my goal and am now down to 116. My only problem is to stop loosing weight and put some back on. Right now for breackfest, I am having a cold piece of piezza. Like I said, I do not recommend this for everyone. It is 3AM and I am on my second cup of coffee, getting ready for work. Boy, am I going to get a lot of hate mail on this posting. Good luck to you and may God bless.
   — Jim Christian

March 7, 2011
I was a big coffee drinker before I had RNY. I gave it up for a little while. Then started drinking def. with splenda and sugar free creamer. I now drink regular coffee, one pot in the morning and at least two ice coffees a day. I do not recommend this for everyone as we are all different. But it works for me.
   — dsquire

March 7, 2011
I am almost 3 years out from RNY. I gave up coffee for several months and then tried decaf. I couldn't stand the taste of it. So a few months later I tried the regular again and liked it. I make mine pretty weak (one scoop french vanilla coffee to 12 cups water) and I use Splenda and sugar free creamer. I drink it pretty much through out the whole day. I have lost 133 lbs and staying right in 5 lbs of that weight. Going to get me another cup ;)
   — Kim M.

March 7, 2011
I am NOT a coffee drinker but my doctor TOLD me to start with small amounts daily as the caffiene helps the body absorb and use some of the Vit B's. So I now mix about 3/4's of a cup of coffee, a cup of soy milk and two scoops of my protien powders every morning and so I start off each day with about 50 grams of protein to make sure I get my protein in each day.
   — tfqh99

March 7, 2011
Thank You everyone. You made me laugh. The one thing I have tsken sway from this is that we are all different. We need to be fsithful to the advice of out NUT and keep our goals in mind, but we all seem to go down different roads to get there. Congrats to all of us for changing our lives with or without coffee (smile).
   — Karen D.

March 7, 2011
because forthe caffien is not good it eates away the lining of the new stomich and it causes me to have gas pains and cramping in the digestive system
   — just-ducky

March 7, 2011
i have heard both...that it dehydrates and can't be counted toward fluids in and it is an appetite stimulant. just go to half reg and reg decaf and you should be ok
   — gpcmist

March 7, 2011
My clinic is anti-coffee too. 1. if it is reg coffee they believe that it will stimulate your appetite. 2. if it is reg and drinking to much it will mess with your sleep and the next day you will be tired or wired from it and you will not make healthy eating choices. 3. dehydrating 4. if you add all the zuzu and wham wham how many calories are you taking in? how much sugar?? and last 5. your pouch is small do you really want to fill it with coffee when you have to put so much protein down and water???
   — That_816_Princess

March 8, 2011
I am close to being two years post-op (April 23, 2010). I went from 345 to 170. I never drank a lot of coffee before surgery, but did drink a lot of Coke, (go figure, could be why I go to 345)!! I didn't drink anything with caffiene or carbination for 1-1/2 yrs after surgery. But I was put in the hospital last fall with what they thought was heart problems. Come to find out my heart rate is too low. Just sitting, I run around 35 beats per minute. So my gastric doctor told me to start drinking some kind of caffiene, so now I have maybe a cup a day and a few diet cokes.
   — Vikki U.

March 8, 2011
Yes indeed we are all different! I'm just a month out, but every morning I make a latte by taking 2 cups of milk, 2 scoops of protein powder, and 3/4 to 1 cup of coffee and mix it up for my breakfast. That's 68 grams of protein to get me started. I still get in 64 oz. of water through the rest of the day. No dehydrating, constipation, or other problems for me from that one little pickmeup. Recommend one extra cup of water for each cup of coffee. Have a great day.
   — Ruthie D.

March 8, 2011
I am glad to see that people do drink lots of coffee. I held off for a year, then went back to drinking a lot of coffee. For me, coffee fills me up and then I'm not hungry. I am 10-1/2 years post op, RNY. By the way, what does NUT stand for?
   — Betty Todd

March 8, 2011
I drink coffee. i was told that that it can be dehydrating. I let it cool off in the mornings and then i add flavored protein powder to it. It gives me protein in the mornings as i am still horrid about eating breakfast. (i get sick to my tummy if i eat in the morning) the powder acts like my flavored creamers used too. I also add a packet of sweet and low if i think i need too. I heard some one say that for every cup of coffee you drink, drink a cup of water. I have been doing that and it makes it easier to get in all my liquids in a day. I do not count coffee in my fluid intake.
   — lady_myst

March 8, 2011
I've read in "Body for Life" that if you want to consume coffee, because it does dehydrate the body, then drink two cups of water per one cup of coffee.
   — Jo R.

March 8, 2011
hi my name is sandy i was told not to have regular coffee because it interfere with the vitamins but i could have decafe if i wanted coffee . by the congrats on your weight loss your doing a great job keep up the good work .
   — sandy fairweather

March 8, 2011
I was told that the caffeine blocks the absorbtion of the vitamins and calcium that we need to take.Caffeine is a natural diretic
   — OntarioSilk

March 8, 2011
I was told that the caffeine blocks the absorbtion of the vitamins and calcium that we need to take.Caffeine is a natural diretic and if I wanted coffee that I chould have decaf to my hearts content.
   — OntarioSilk

March 8, 2011
Coffee is NOT dehydrating in normal amounts. It's a myth. Go back to the first post in this thread and follow the links I posted.
   — Lisaizme

March 12, 2011

   — phyllismmay

March 25, 2011
I was told no more than 2 cups, or in my case 1 mug. It will cause dehydration, but I've found since surgery that I just don't care too much for coffee anymore. I'll get a 1/2 cup & sometimes it hurts my stomach or just makes me feel too full.
   — 1bmw

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