What I feared for so long just happened! No supervised diet history...

I just got word from my surgeons office that I was denied because I do not have proof of 12 mo. of suppervised diets! I wrote them 3 personal letters and even explained that the Doctor I went to for 12yrs who had always given me diets to follow for 12 yrs. has retired for a long time now, and when i called the dr.'s office to try to get my records they told me that after 7 yrs. they destroy the paperwork. I don't know what to do now? I am so upset!!!I need to work on an appeal letter can someone out there help me with doing so, and or have any of you that have been denied for the same reason have appeal letters that worked for them? Thank you all for your help. Rebecca Lefebvre    — REBECCA L. (posted on August 9, 2001)

August 9, 2001
My friend was in your situation. She appealled and used info from Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. She's a bit of a pack rack and had all her booklets and other info from the many times she joined WW also she was a lifetime member of Jenny Craig and had her contract and other stuff. It worked, they accepted all of that and she had her rny last May.
   — [Anonymous]

August 9, 2001
The whole records gone thing doesn't sit well with me.. regardless of him retiring someone should have records.. to my knowledge they shouldn't be destroyed. Can you find him and get him though he is retired to submit something.. or perhaps the Dr that took over the practice can help?
   — Dawn R.

August 9, 2001
She's right about the record thing. Medical doctors must keep records indefinitely. Check with the local hospital in the doctor's area, sometimes they keep the records of retired doctors. If you can get in touch with the doctor or a nurse or receptionist from his old office try that. If all else fails, try the other local doctors to see if they can get in touch with him for you and request the records from the doctor himself.
   — Donna G.

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