How do you fix your protein powder?

Hi all, yesterday was my 2-month bypass surgiversary. I've done well losing weight so far, but it's time for me to up my protein intake and it's not going so well. I bought a sampler of the different Nectar flavors, but am sort of stuck. I've only tried the strawberry-kiwi, which was horrible, even when mixed with Crystal Lite. So I'm looking for ideas, ways to mix the other flavors and make them palatable. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!    — snickersblk (posted on December 17, 2008)

December 16, 2008
Hi, I put liquid protein into sugar free jello mix and mix it up. use the liquid in place of some of the water. Also, the protein powder I use is best in a smoothie. Use frozen fruit and the powder. Mix in fruit juice or milk and blend it. add a few ice pieces and blend until smooth. Hope this helps. Good luck. Denise NC
   — deejacobs

December 17, 2008
I use the Nectars Fuzzy Navel and Roadside Lemonade. With the Strawberry Kiwi, I added a little lemon or lime juice to take away some of the sweetness, which helps. You can add more water until you find a taste that suits you. I find, with most of the proteins its the smell that gets to me. I drink my protein out of a sports bottle now, and its not so bad. Just put in the water first, then the protein, and shake. It mixes pretty smoothly this way. You must get in your protein, it saves muscle mass. Your heart is a muscle. Very important. No skimping here.
   — azreggie

December 17, 2008
I make mine in a large coffee mug with hot (not boiling) water, instant coffee (use decaf if you are caffeine-phobic), 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, and a dash of cinnamon...Whip with a hand blender (or you'll have chunks..YUCK!!!) for a frothy creamy coffee latte! Yum! That's my breakfast everyday! I have made with tea (decaf again if you prefer) with cinnamon, nutmeg and a dash of ginger for a chai tea flavor....Try throwing ice, milk or soy or yogurt in a blender with fresh berries for a smoothie....I even mix 1/2 tsp peanut butter and a scoop of choco-protein powder,,,roll in SF cocoa or cinnamon for a little protein ball snack...or add in some fiber one cereal for a crunchy version...You don't have to always have a full serving of protein powder either....Try mixing a little in yogurt or pudding...I sometimes add a little SF Orange Tang and soymilk for a dreamsicle flavor. Freeze some in ice trays with sticks for a quicky frozen treat too...Experiment! You can add to recipes as it bakes well too...Good luck! I hate protein powders generally...but I've found that disguising the flavors with stronger flavors helps a LOT!!!! LOL
   — .Anita R.

December 17, 2008
I never had much luck with protein shakes. If you allowed to use protein bars there is one called Pure Protein. There's 20 grms protein with 3 sugars. I prefer the peanut butter one. You can buy them at Albertsons and Target.
   — urbrat2

December 17, 2008
Unjury protein packs are good they have chicken soup flavor u can use that and sip just just go on website it taste good! It taste like ramen noodle soup
   — nicolerobinson

December 17, 2008
I only use protein powder after I have a fill, but here's what I do with mine: a scoop of chocolate protein powder, a scoop of dry milk, 1/2 cup of vanilla lowfat yogurt, 1 cup fat free milk, 6 ice cubes, whip in a blender for 30 seconds. Marti in San Jose
   — Marti P.

December 17, 2008
My all time favorite protein shake is a scoop or two of protein powder of choice, 1 Atkins ready to drink shake, 2 frozen strawberries, 10 frozen blueberries, a handful of ice cubes in the blender= yummo. I also like to make protein puddings with SF/FF Jello puddings, soy milk, a scoop or 2 of protein powder- fun way to combine different flavors- strawberry vanilla, white chocolate pistachio, chocolate butterscotch. You can order protein puddings on line which are great as well. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

December 17, 2008
I prefer GNC's designer whey protein from Pro Performance. It comes in many flavors such as caramel choc, strawberry bannan, mixed berries, orange cream, choc chip cookie dough, and more. It is very affordable... about $14 for one bag and it lasts a long time. I mix mine with milk and fruit to make a smoothie. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

December 18, 2008
These are great ideas. Thanks so much for your input! I plan to start experimenting again ASAP-- gotta get that protein in.
   — snickersblk

December 18, 2008
I noticed someone mentioned a protein bar. I like the Pure Protein Bar Too, BUT at 2 months out I would not try a protein bar, it is too early for your little stomach to handle.
   — Daryl L.

December 20, 2008
I do not use powder... I am drinking Isopure which is a liquid comes in different flavors and taste good has pure protein in it...
   — MonHay

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