What is the typical weight loss after RNY surgery?

Based on about 130- 150 pounds to lose, what is the typical weight loss after RNY surgery, the first month, the second month and so forth.    — peaches10101 (posted on February 12, 2010)

February 12, 2010
HI Lori, I'm 6.5 wks post op from RNY gastric & I've lost 34lbs which is right on track.....I started at 247 & now 213 but everybody is different....what my Dr. said is I will hit a plateau faster than someone who needs to lose more & exercise is a factor....I've spend an hour at the gym M-F & still do cardio on my treadmill on Saturdays then take Sundays off. He said there's a guy that has lost 60#'s in 3 mos but doesn't exercise at all so fells tired all the time. So far things are working for me. When I went to a seminar after my surgery the four gals talking said loose skin is covered up by clothes.....I don't want to HAVE to have plastic surgery....I found a 5 min workout for my arms online & just bought some weights at Walmart.....what is 5 mins to possibly avoid another surgery. Hope this helps & good luck with your Dr. also told me that about 6 mos. out everyone around me would be saying I'm gettin too thin & look unhealthy.....he said to ignore it....let it go in one ear & out the other because he could guarantee that about 1.5 year out.....I will give him back 10-20 lbs. & then be mad at him & want to lose that again. He said to treasure the lose & just go with the flow. :-)
   — 3decks

February 12, 2010
I am six months out today, so far I have lost 100 lbs.
   — FSUMom

February 12, 2010
I am not sure on a month to month basis ,,as everyone differs. But I was told by my clinic that the average weight loss of someone needing to lose 100 lbs is 70. They "gaurantee" a 70% weight loss. But I lost all my over weight and have been maintaining for over 10 months. I lost 120lbs total. Best of luck to you! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

February 13, 2010
Jan 2008 I was 314 and 5`2 my RNY was on 2/11/2009 here it is 2/13/2010 and I weigh in at 160 lbs I could had lost more but my husband had been in the hospital since Oct very sick he is recovering ao I hope to get back on track good luck to you.
   — sweetpee

February 13, 2010
hi, i had the rny on 2/19/09. my weight on the day of surgery was 299. today i weigh 160 and couldn't be happier. my goal is 150 and i am still loosing weight, but much slower than before. in my first month i lost about 27lbs. at 3 months i had lost about 60. by 6 months out i had lost 100lbs. my doctor warned me and he was right.....after your 6 month the weight loss slows quite a bit. well for me it happened at about 7 months. right now i'm loosing about 5lbs a month. but at 1 year out, i don't think that's bad. there is no "typical" weight loss amount. everyone is different depending on how much weight you have to loose to begin with to how much you eat and exercise. good luck to you. If u have further questions let me know.
   — alojah82

February 15, 2010
Hello I'm 4 months out and I have lost 80lbs so far....Best thing I have done for myself so far...
   — Alice B.

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