Are there any frozen food dishes that are good for you...lean cuisine, weight watcher

Is it ok to eat Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers or any other frozen food entree during post op period? Something to heat up quickly when "on the run"? Any ideas would be helpful....    — Tish C. (posted on February 21, 2010)

February 21, 2010
My surgeon didn't want me to ever eat frozen dinners, even Lean Cuisine, because he felt it was being stuck in the "fast Food" mentality. I do agree with him although I have tried a few Kashi dinners over the years. There is so much sodium in these dinners also but kashi has a lot of protein and natural ingredients. If you're in a hurry for dinner you can always grab some cottage cheese, tuna or veggies. That's what I like to keep handy. Hope this isn't too "lecturie" but I'm just repeating what the doc told me.
   — Muggs

February 21, 2010
Hi ! My nutritionist says the lean meals, smart ones etc are fine as long as you try to eat the proteins first. Tho the entire meal is ok for our pouch. I wouldn't go for any frozen dinner...just the healthier versions. I do not know about sodium content, etc, but I do know someone who, after their surgery, thats all he and his wife ate. He lost about 200lbs and has kept it off. In the beginning, however, eating the whole meal was not possible. It came over time. I have had some of the meals and find that the broccoli in them is the only broccoli I can tolerate. So when I want broccoli, thats where I go....the frozen smart ones, etc. For a quick on the go idea...I used to take a wide bowl, scramble up an egg and microwave it for 1 minute-going in 20 second cycles, and then put the egg on a wheat tortilla with a squirt of ketchup..Of course I didn't eat the whole thing, but would cut it into 3's and eat it. It was good to eat I could drive with this in my hands too. low cal and filling. I hope you have great success!! Have a great day! hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

February 22, 2010
Though the sodium content is pretty high and I try like hell not to eat toomuch processed stuff, I have had these a few times and there are some Annie's Organics and Kashi ones that are decent choices (you need to read the food lables), but I've also found from time to time that Smart ones, Lean Cuisine, and Healthy choice do make a FEW frozen meals that have no carbs ( aside from veggies) in that there is no potato, rice, or pasta to accompany whatever protein and veg is in the meal. For me, at 9 months out, if I stick to the protein and veggies in these meals I may have a bite of the carb but I'm usually full by then. For me, quick meals are hard boiled eggs, ham sticks (ham sliced thicker than normal and cut into long sticks -also a lot of sodium), protein shakes, cheese sticks, apples w peanut butter, etc.
   — stellarsan

February 22, 2010
I dont know how good they are... but i eat the stouffers chicken breast w/mashed, eat the protein first... 20g with my work hours it an easy thing to do in the office. i am 6months out and 101 pounds down... so i guess its not hurting me.
   — MarthaJ0110

February 22, 2010
I am 2 years post op RNY and everyday for lunch I eat Lean Cuisines and Weight Watchers meals...I have tried them and I find they are easy and I can easily keep track of what I eat....I occasoinally eat them with a fruit or maybe a salad with chicken...I try to eat the ones with the most protein...I have lost 225 pounds and it has taken me about a year to be able to eat a whole one...Sometimes I still can't eat a whole one just depends on which one it is. But for the most part, I don't think they hurt you..Just don't eat the ones that are mostly pasta..
   — okbuffy

February 24, 2010
My NUT includes Lean Cuisines on the "allowed list" after three months, but says eat protein first in case you can't finish. They estimate you won't be able to eat a whole one until a year out.
   — Greg K.

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