I am 2 weeks post-op and at my first weeks check up I weighed 309.

I weighed myself about 4 days later and weighed 301. Now, 4 more days later, I weighed myself again and I am 308. Last week I was on full liquids and as of Monday I began soft foods. I was wondering if due to moving from liquids to "food" would that make my weight do that. I am still following the amount of food I am to eat and I don't snack all day.    — hartnell (posted on April 26, 2006)

April 25, 2006
I know this is hard advice to follow but stay off the scale! I am a scale junkie and sometimes it still controls my day. Now I only weigh myself every Tuesday... my surgery day! I know how you feel.. I had ups and downs and the sames... but just take comfort in knowing those numbers are going way down! Good Luck! Kim
   — KimY

April 25, 2006
Right now the weight will go up and down especially if you are still full of liquids from the hospital and from the liquid diet. I was the same way, just weigh yourself in 10 days from today and you will see the pounds start melting away.
   — maryg

April 26, 2006
Normal!! I came home from the hospital and weighed 2 more pounds than I had when I went in. I didn't lose anything for almost a week! Talk about discouraging! Then it started melting away. Two weeks later, I hit a plateau that lasted a week. So when you read about people losing weight, you should know that they went through plateaus and ups, like you have. It's all about your body adjusting, sometimes retaining fluids, etc. It has to come off, it just does it in jerks and starts, not smoothly. Good luck!
   — Jenny1

April 26, 2006
Tracy~Don't be discouraged !!!! I am 21 days post op now. I 6'1" and weighed 323 pre-op...@ my 2 week post apt. w/ the doctor i was 301.5 (1 more week has past since the weigh in at the doctor) I weighed at home and was 304... I IMMEDIATELY PUT THE SCALE AWAY :) for now i am only going to weigh at the docs. I am eating the same as before and no changes other than adding supplements to my regimin. we all lose and gain up and down so different it would honestly be difficult to fully answer this question. All i'll say is you are doing great don't let the scale sabotage you or get you down. you'll see the results start up again real of luck on your journey!!!!
   — tiffany E.

April 26, 2006
I agree with everyone else, my surgeon and nutritionist say to hide the scale. They recommend weighing no more frequently than every other week because any more often will just mess with your mind.
   — nicolerod

April 26, 2006
I agree with everything everyone else posted, but want to add that I have never owned a scale that matched my doctor's office scales. I've tried numerous times to go to the doctor, weigh before I go, weigh when I get there and weigh when I get home and they never match. So, you're better off going by your doctor's scales since they are supposed to be calibrated. I second the post that says to weigh no more often than once a week on the anniversary day of your surgery. Good luck
   — dinky

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