I had a gastric bypass 5 years ago, what's a revision? what are the complications?

   — 1950hr (posted on April 30, 2007)

April 30, 2007
A revision is a repair or change on your original surgery. For example, if you were just stapled, you might have a staple line disruption. If you have had substantial regain, and you know you had very little to do with that, you might have a mechanical issue or you might have the wrong surgery for your body. What are your issues? Not knowing what kind of revison you seek, i can't really guess at the complicaton rate. If you had to have a change of surgery type or had SLD, and the national rate for leaks is 1%, the rate for revisions (nationally, not with all docs) is 3%. For leaks. The other ones, blood clots, pneumonia, all those are the same as for any surgery.
   — vitalady

May 1, 2007
Hazel, I have just contacted a great doctor that completes at least two revisions a week. I had stapling in 1979. This was during a time when support and follow up was not given. I was successful for a short time, until I found I could place pinto beans, cheese and taco sauce in the blender and make an addictive meal. My loss was short lived. Now my life lacks any quality of life and I must move forward and attempt to do anything I can. I was advised I should have a bypass and I am going for my upper GI test next week. The disappointing point due to insurance coverage, I may have to wait until after the first of the year for my hospital to receive their excellence status to be covered by Medicare. my other insurance will not cover unitl medicare (my primary) is approved. I am eager to move forward with my possible surgery and all the support and information available now will be such a great asset. Please keep in touch.
   — Dreema A.

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