How good are the chances of not having to have plastic surgery

My pcp says I will hate how I look afterwards. I don't want to go in planning on havig plas srgy. I am 51 and need to loose 90-100 lbs. I am bordering on canceling because of this issue    — ljordan1 (posted on October 30, 2007)

October 29, 2007
IMO, if you are ready to back out of the surgery because you possibly might need plastic then your not ready to commit to the surgery. As far as your PCP is concerned I wouldn't listen to them. Mine told me I was going to regret having it done and was dead-set against me going through with it. He even went as far as writing a letter to my surgeon saying he was against it. Well, 2 years and 140 lbs later, I DON'T regret having it done and yes I do need plastic surgery to get rid of my "apron" but then I didn't do this to make myself a bathing beauty. I just wanted to live a longer, healthier life and I've succeeded in that. Oh ya, when ever I see my PCP I ALWAYS mention to him that I'm glad I didn't listen to him and went ahead with the surgery and I would do it again in a heartbeat.....Good luck......neenee
   — Nee P

October 30, 2007
You WILL hate how you look after you have lost 100 lbs...I lost 145 lbs and have had 2 rounds of plastic surgery and I still need 2 more rounds for my wings and one for my thighs...but I have decided I am done with surgery and will just live with it...There is a slight (note--SLIGHT) chance that your skin is elastic enough that it will shrink back on its own...but like my doctor told me going in ...there are NO exercises you can do to help your skin, as skin has no muscles. So if you are concerned you might have plastic surgery afterwards and that is a condition of backing out of your RNY ... then you should back out of it...although I think that is a stupid reason for not making yourself healthier.
   — fishnrockport

October 30, 2007
I am 52 years old. I had my surgery Sept 6 '06. Yes, I have some skin and flab, but you know what, I dont hate it. I hate seeing pictures of myself 112 lbs ago!! I hate how I felt 112 lbs ago. For any PCP to say that to you is ludicrous!! If this is your only reservation then I recommend that you not have this marvelou surgery performed. As is so often said, it is a tool not a fix! having said that, you can work out, eat right, and watch your body change for the better. I have noticed so many changes from what was first saggy and flappy to a tightened more toned area. I anticipate a tummy tuck some day, but it is not something I cannot live with if I dont. It saddens me that this one statement coming from someone who has probably not had our problem could deter you from such a life changing, for the better, committment!!
   — dessary316

October 30, 2007
I always go to the major point of health. Looking good is a bonus and the need for plastic surgery is highly individual. But what about your health? What is that 100lbs doing to your overall health? Your mobility? How good do you think you look now? Will weight loss without plastic surgery be any worse? I am currently unable to have the surgery due to health issues discovered in my pre-op phase. If you don'thave the surgery, will you plan to lose the weight another way? I may have to find another way, due to lung disease. I have been told that lap band patients lose slower so the skin has a chance to shrink more slowly. But they have problems, too. Good luck and best of health! Carmen.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 30, 2007
I always go to the major point of health. Looking good is a bonus and the need for plastic surgery is highly individual. But what about your health? What is that 100lbs doing to your overall health? Your mobility? How good do you think you look now? Will weight loss without plastic surgery be any worse? I am currently unable to have the surgery due to health issues discovered in my pre-op phase. If you don'thave the surgery, will you plan to lose the weight another way? I may have to find another way, due to lung disease. I have been told that lap band patients lose slower so the skin has a chance to shrink more slowly. But they have problems, too. Good luck and best of health! Carmen.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 30, 2007
90 pounds does not necessarilly mean you will need plastic surgery if you exercise and do what you are supposed to do. Don't let that deter you. If you is just another excuse
   — bderuiter

October 30, 2007
This may sound harsh, but i gotta say this.....if this skin thing is gonna stop you from a life saving surgery then by all means dont do it, your head is in the wrong place! I wish you the best of health in your final decision. No one here is going to tell you anything different than that!
   — Kathy-R

October 30, 2007
You will need plastic surgery so just plan on it. I had my gastric bypass 4 years ago and got a tummy tuck 2 months ago. My arms and legs are fine so they don't need any help. I did not like that flappy tummy that I was left with. It was the best thing I did getting rid of it. I feel so good! If you don't want to go that route plan on buying some good undergarments. Spanx Power Panties are the best to hide that sagging tummy. Good luck to you.
   — Carlyn M.

October 30, 2007
Your PCP is crazy! I lost 93 lbs and I am ecstatic at how I look. Here is my advice....the RNY or lapband is just a tool. It's how you use this tool afterwards as to what your results will be. You cannot go back to your old habits. You must change everything you ever knew about eating and exercising. This is a full service program and will not work if you don't follow it to the letter. Many people have loose skin issues because they choose not to exercise before or after surgery. I had been a member of Curves for over 5 years prior to wls and continued afterwards (I started doing walking tapes days after surgery) one month post op and about 6 months later I joined a full service gym where I do excercise classes, strength training machines, treadmill, bike and elliptical. I go approx. 4-5 x a week. My loose skin issues are very slight and everyone marvels but I attribute my success to exercise first and foremost. So if you are willing to follow your surgeon's plan for success including exercise, you will be successful. Go to my profile and check out my before, during and after photos to see if I look better or worse! LOL. I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Good luck!
   — Sheri A.

October 30, 2007
I'm 53 years old. I have never had plastic surgery. I have lost 130 and still have another 60 to loose. My belly and waist will never firm up, maybe someday I'll have my apron removed. I am so....happy I had surgery and so glad I stayed in counseling a year after. I would strongly suggest counseling before you consider surgery. Plastic surgery should be the least of your worries....think of health, a better life because you can move freely.
   — debmi

October 30, 2007
Your PCP's comments are outlandish and unkind. There are far too many of us in our 50's that have lost the amount that you are targeting. Most of us have 'flaws' in little sags here and there, but we also have wrinkles too (you can't stop the aging process). I use clothing to maximize my new shape. Spandex underwear really minimizes the small apron that I have. Flowing sleeves mask my minor batwings. Pants that fit snug in the thighs keep my loss skin in check. I were a two piece swim suit without a second thought. Your bariatric surgery/center should be able to provide more accurate and comforting information than your PCP.
   — SAChick

October 30, 2007
OBVIOUSLY your PCP is a anti WLS doc. I ran into some like tat pre op. Most notably a pulmonologist who did his BEST to scare me, I am happy to report I had surgery anway, over 6 years ago, not only did WLS save my life but it gave me back my life. Thankfully my PCP was is supportive! If the weight is causing you health troubles do know long term stufdies now out over 10 years show WLS is safer by far than remaining MO. Death rates are way less for post ops.
   — bob-haller

October 30, 2007
Would you rather live with a little bit of excess skin or with all that unhealthy weight you are carrying around? Even if you were to nix the surgery and lose the weight on your own, you would STILL have a little bit of excess skin. I agree with another poster, if you're worried about excess skin, you are not committed to having this surgery. Your PCP is not in your body, and apparently he's anti wls. Screw him, you don't need negativity-- it is YOUR body. Just make sure that you firgure out which you want, excess skin or health and go from there. Good luck, God bless!
   — crystalsno

October 30, 2007
Hi Cindy. I'm 42 and had my open RNY on 5-25-07. I'm down 93 lbs as of this morning. Go me! My surgeon told me I probably wouldn't need plastics. I have 20 lbs til my surgeon's goal and 25 until my goal. I have a little bit with the batwings but, honestly, I'm NOT going to need plastics. I haven't seen any gross, hangy skin. lol I asked my husband for his honest opinion and he doesn't see a need for plastics either. You might luck out and not need it. :) As for your PCP, don't listen. My PCP was deadset against my surgery too and, honestly, has made it very difficult for me. But, I love going in with my husband for a "I look great don't I butthead!" visit. lol In the end, you have to do what's best for you and your health. I was 265 when I had my surgery and I was 172 this morning. I wouldn't trade my RNY and the new me for anything! Good luck!!!
   — lv2beasahm

October 30, 2007
I agree with the other posters. If the only reason you want WLS is vanity then you are NOT ready. PLEASE DO CANCEL. When your joints ache, you are short of breath, have cardiac issues, diabetes, and pee on yourself when you sneeze, maybe then you will be more realistic about this surgery. WLS is NOT COSMETIC.
   — MAG

October 30, 2007
Cindy - I am a support group leader and have been for 3 yrs. I have quite a large group. I have heard one person say that they hated their body after WLS and regreted having it. If you only have a 100 lbs to lose, you are not all that big. I find that the skin begins to tighten up if you use allot of moisturizer and exercise. It will never look like it would if you had never had a weight problems, but it isn't that bad. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and decide where your priorities are. How do you think you look to people now at 100 lbs over weight?? You may not be ready. Maybe a talk with a psycologist will help you decide if you are ready. If you are not ready, it is not a sin, WLS is not for everybody. This is a decision that only you can make.
   — jk_harris

October 30, 2007
I cant believe he would say that to you. You need to do whats best for you. Who knows you may not need plastic surgery after losing weight being that you only need to lose about 100 my friend lost 120 and she didnt need plastic surgery. Dont let anyone get you down do your own research and make your self happy.
   — crlindfw

October 30, 2007
Are you kidding me??? I lost 110 lbs and my life came back to me! You have to remember that health issues are #1 to lose the excess weight, and then you LOOK great after. 90 to 100 lbs will not leave you with huge gaping flaps. Get real. Your doctor needs a slap in the behind.
   — Kathy A C.

October 31, 2007
Everyone is right on target. I am 53 and have no plans on having plastic surgery. I couldnt afford it even if I wanted to. However, I am three months out, and let me tell you the things I can do that I havent done for 25 years is amazing. I mopped all the floors at the house the other day, and did it in one try. No stopping to rest, and no needing to. WOW! I didnt do this to look better, but let me tell you, I have lost 90 pounds since the first of Jan. And that has to look better than I did 90 pounds ago. I firmly believe you need a dr that is supportive of your decision to IMPROVE your life. It isnt just about the looks -- good grief -- this is too hard to do just for vanity. It is about the health. Mine gets better every day. Saturday I was ON THE FLOOR with my grandkids. Something I havent been able to do in a long time. Like everyone else says, if your DR can discourage you with remarks like that, it is time to rethink what you really want. Good luck.

October 31, 2007
Hi Cindy, I am 51 years old and have lost 160 pounds. I'd like to say (and gosh, I hope without sounding arrogant or vain) that I think I look pretty darn good!! But what is so very important to me is that I feel fantastic!!!! I have a fairly small apron of skin that, with clothes on, is hardly noticeable. The picture on my profile is with just everyday clothes on, no spanx or pantyhose or other control garments. I think the weight loss has made my breasts flatter but not necessarily saggier, if you know what I mean! lol I do have pretty ugly batwings but can hide those with tops with sleeves. I just don't wear sleeveless tops very much. My husband's opinion is I do not need plastic surgery and that is good enough for me. I hope you will decide that feeling/BEING healthier is good enough for you too!!! Best of luck to you whatever your decision!
   — LindaLee H.

October 31, 2007
Many great points here! WLS is meant to treat a medical condition, not make someone look better naked. I weighed 266lbs two years ago and now hover between 128-134. Many "small" clothes are loose on me. And yes, I do have saggy skin and would jump at the chance to have plastic surgery if I could afford it, but as long as they keep making tops with 3/4 sleeves I can hide the worst of it from the world. I still have to deal with two bad knees due to the weight they used to support, but I can only imagine what I would be dealing with now without the weight loss. I would definitely be diabetic by now (I was borderline before) and well, heart disease does run in the family, so who knows? Unless I'm having a bad day with my knees, walking and going up stairs are no longer something I avoid. I'd much rather deal with hiding the loose skin than trying to hide the fact that a single flight of stairs left me out of breath. Maybe you just have the "pre-surgery" jitters that so many of us get and are using this as an excuse. If you only need to lose 90-100 lbs then you probably won't have any rashes from the loose skin, (I don't) so plastic surgery won't be necessary. Is there someone in your surgeon's office you could speak to? My surgeon has a therapist as part of his team. Best of luck!
   — packrat

October 31, 2007
boy did you get response to this! i think it is a problem close to everyone's heart. well, here is my negative answer. this surgery is trading one form of defromaty for another. But! BOY DO I FEEL BETTER! i can walk, hop run, dance, BREATHE all the wonderful things i could not do before. that is enough to go thru this again if i had to. good luck, make the decision that is best for you. you have to live your life, not your pcp. marsha
   — madone2

October 31, 2007
I have lost 115 lbs. I am now 147 lbs and a size 8. I look fantastic with my clothes on and there is only one other person that sees me with them off and he loved me before I lost the weight. In a perfect world with unlimited funds would I have work done? Absolutely!! Will it ruin my life if I don't? No way!! I feel and look fantastic. I have some saggy skin but it can be hidden very easily.
   — KristineMarie

November 1, 2007
I wasn't going to wear a bikini before WLS, so why would I care after? That was my thought going in. I am 10 months out and have lost 181 lbs... I have wings and I have an apron... at first I was not considering plastics, but my surgeon is going to do tummy tuck, hernia fix, and arms on me in January, and I say "great"... but do I hate the way I look? I can tell you, I am almost 31 years old and now can fit in any seat, can wear nice clothes (which, by the way can suck it all in) and can keep up with my 3-year-old and play on the floor with her and just feel great! Would I trade that because I was afraid I would hate the way I look? Personally I think a little saggy skin looks a lot better than the sausage arms and ball body I used to have! I wouldn't trade the new me for the world, saggy skin and all! Best of luck to you!
   — airbear762000

November 1, 2007
Hi My pcp also didnt want me to have WLS, she talked me out of it 2 times. In 4/06 i weighed 347 pounds now i am 204 now I am 204 pounds & very proud of myself... I dont think im gonna have Plastic Surg. done I do have some Flubber thats what I call it but its healthy Flubber with not too much fat cells in it. I am more proud of my accomplishments than i am worried about my skin. I guess i will never be in a BIKINI but i never was anyway. You need to be very comfortable with WLS becasue the changes are for ever & I do walk everyday to help the skin sagging & MY legs look the best they have in my whole of luck Barbara
   — babs810

November 2, 2007
If you are having WLS for cosmetic reasons, you may very well hate how you look afterwards, but if you are having it for cosmetic reasons, you obviously don't like how you look now. The main reason to have this surgery is to improve health. Some people do decide to have plastic sugery afterwards, but there are plenty who don't and who think that their post-WLS body looks much better than it did before surgery. I would much rather have a long healthy life with saggy skin than have no life at all. Ask your surgeon to introduce you to some WLS post-ops who have not had plastic surgery. This will give you some idea of what to expect. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

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