What liquid protein drink is good for people who are lactose intollerant?

Can they be bought at Walmart?    — Kittylover56 (posted on July 23, 2008)

July 23, 2008
I suggest you look for the soy brands of protein powder and/or drinks. Avoid the ones with whey. There are a lot of choices out there, you just have to surf around and decide what you like the best. Good luck, Dawn
   — DawnVic

July 23, 2008
I am lactose intolerant. I bought carnation Instant Breakfast (no sugar added) and mixed it with Lactaid milk.
   — Karen M.

July 23, 2008
My mom is lactose intolerant and she just took a lactose pill (generic walmart brand) before drinking each shake (Optifast). This worked, and she drank 5 shakes a day. She had a few days with an uneasy tummy but that was because of all of the vitamins in the shakes, it eventually worked itself out. Best of luck to you !!! Shawnie
   — Kit08

July 23, 2008
I became lactose intolerant after surgery and I now use Unjury which can be ordered online and mix it with Carnation Instant Breakfast with Lactaid milk.

July 23, 2008
Hi Grace, I had a problem with ALL the premixed shakes as I am allergic to Iodine. My daughter went to GNC and found a drink called ISOPURE it comes in many different flavors. Like Blue Rasberry, Orange-Pineapple-Banana I pour it over ice and sip it. They have 40g of protein. I use that as one drink, then try to eat correctly to get the rest of the protein. I also ad WHEY Protein to other foods. Best of luck to you. Julie
   — tootsie52

July 23, 2008
I loved Boost Glucose Control. They are lactose free, and were super conveniant. I got them at Wal-mart, but found online coupons for them too, which helped with the cost.
   — purplek78

July 24, 2008
My husband is lactose intollerant and we both drink the same, low lactose, undenatured whey protein shakes every single day and have for almost two years. He has no problem whatsoever with the whey, which according to my research is far superior to soy. The things to watch for are "organic", "low lactose", and "undenatured". Do some research on the health benefits.
   — Ruth Shapovalov

July 24, 2008
My surgeons suggested Boost Glucose Control or Unjury for me. The Boost is thicker so I feel like I'm getting more; the Unjury is thinner so I plan to use their unflavored one to add to foods for a protein boost. I can tell you I've had no lactose intolerane symptoms with either one; I haven't tried any of the others because I use water (not milk) with the Unjury. It makes it less sweet and more tolerable for me.
   — obeseforever

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