should you gain 10 lbs 6 weeks out on gastric bypass?

my father in law had gastric bypass like 6 weeks ago. he gained 10 lbs. he eats rice and drinks stuff to quick. he complains of head hunger. is this normal? i am in the process of getting the surgery now. just getting my ducks in the row.    — tatormagoo (posted on December 20, 2008)

December 20, 2008
Yes that is somewhat normal. It also depends on how overweight you were before surgery. It also depends on the type of surgery you have. I would be concerned about his weight gain; has he seen his doc for his 1 week checkup? and then 3 weeks? He is due for his 6 week checkup. This surgery as I said in a previous post affects everyone differently. It is also important to address why you want to have this type of surgery. Do you have comorbidities or health risks because of your obesity defining your reasoning for choosing the surgery? If not and your problem is simply obesity; is it the right choice? Have you done diets and exercise or fitness programs or both? There are many factors to consider here. Make sure your docs rule out any underlying factors before you go thru this surgery. Any test the docs do usually far outweighs the risks in major surgery; particularly if it is invasive. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

December 20, 2008
Head hungar is normal. Rice is a no no especially 6 weeks out. Everything he puts in his moth should go toward protein or fluids. Maybe he need to talk with his dietician.
   — urbrat2

December 20, 2008
Head hunger is a mental challenge for many of us. Mastering the art of ignoring head hunger takes a lot of will power, great hobbies and any-which-way you can keep the triggers that power head hunger at bay...It's an on going problem for many! ...but RNY is a tool that helps your belly not "feel hungry". And I often ask myself if I am eating because I know it will tate good or I am hungry...After a while you know the differnce...and it takes will to not eat just because you want to...So no it's not easy at times and yes it happens! You do get used to it after years...and personally I can ignore my head hunger 8 outta 10 times! Nope, I am not perfect! BUT... Your FIL is not using his tool and letting his head sabotage any lifestyle changes by going right back to the old habits before he's even given any change a chance...I hope he can turn things around and learn to follow the pouch rules and take vitamins! Eating rice shouldn't make him gain 10 lbs though and restriction should be enough that he could not possibly eat more than what he was pre op...I'd venture to say that something is wrong and his stoma might be stretched or dialated...Hope he sees his surgeon soon especially with a 10 lb gain...6 weeks and I was eating only 2 tablespoons of pureed food...Rice woulda knocked me over in pain...And drinking more than a sip at a time would have felt like a high heeled shoe stuck in my chest...Something has gone wrong
   — .Anita R.

December 20, 2008
Any type of weightloss surgery involves a lifetime commitment to your health and changing old eating habits. Eating rice at 6 wks post op seems to me like he didn't take his lifestyle change so seriouslly. You need to examine your priorities long and hard before you can make this type of commitment. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

December 20, 2008
Hi. I am in agreement --rice is a no-no. Drinking too fast could cause you throw up, but I was told by my dr that drinking will not stretch the pouch out. But if he is eating the wrong things, he will not be successful. This isn't fool proof. Its a tool. Take the honeymoon period-the period in which you have no real hunger- and relearn how to eat. Stay away from white protein first. I am 6 months out and still eat only 2-3 ounces a meal 3 times a day. I have head hunger, but no real hunger. He needs to deal with the head hunger. learn to differenciate (sp) and deal with it. Good luck to you. Don't follow in his footsteps...listen to your doctor and nutritionist.
   — gpcmist

December 21, 2008
I had by pass about six weeks ago myself and suffered from terrible head hunger for about two weeks. After that it started to abate. Rice is defintely out during the period of time and I agree with everyone else about protein and fluids. I have suffered from not taking in enough fluids and learned my lesson the hard way.
   — Rube1947

December 21, 2008
he is gaining because he is eating things he should not be eating at 6 weeks out! Rice is carbs carbs is weight gain!! He needs to get on track if he wants to be successful. Best of luck to you.
   — Alvernlaw

December 21, 2008
Lisa, I would suggest that you NOT follow what your FIL is doing!! He will continue to gain weight if he eats this way. Instead of getting smaller, he is sabotaging his surgery, completely!! He should not be eating rice, he should be doing some kind of exercising, even if it is just walking around the block for the beginning and working his way up. You will NOT lose weight if you do not work your tool. This is not meant to be a "cure" for obesity, it is meant to HELP you lose the weight. The results are entirely up to you! Please don't end up like him, I would suggest that you try to be supportive though as he is making bad decisions. The white flour things should be completely removed from the house. No questions asked! If you follow the guidelines set out by your surgeon and nutritionist so that you can be successful. Good luck to you!
   — anitak

December 21, 2008
WLS only works if you stick with the program of diet change that comes with it. It isn't a magic bullet, it still takes real work. Rice adds nothing to a diet other than filler. Aftger WLS, all it does is prevent him from eating the things he NEEDS, like protein. And protein is the key to the weightloss.
   — suezahn4me

December 21, 2008
In addition to all that's been said, I was told by someone who works in the ER they had a very serious situation with someone who went home from the hospital and ate rice! (Thankfully your FIL hasn't experienced that.) She pointed out that rice SWELLS. So its not just about being a carb, not filling the pouch with protein...he is or has stretched his pouch. This will result in nullifying much of what he was supposed to get out of this surgery.
   — mybestself

December 21, 2008
Thanks Paula for confirming what I was thinking -- rice SHOULD NOT be a part of his diet at this point of recovery and weight loss. Actually he should not be eating any starches or breads or carbs. His diet should be mostly protein -- that is probably why he has gained weight. Also he should be eating and drinking very slowly -- eating too fast should be making him dump and that's not a good feeling. He should not be drinking 30 minutes before he eats; while he eats and 30 minutes after he eats. Chili w/beans is good for him. Head hunger is normal -- he is going to have to mentally get that under control and he should probably drink water or some other none weight gaining liquid when he feels hungry -- that will help a great deal.
   — the7thdean

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