Help!!! I am going up the same 3-4 lbs!!!!!

I have lost down to 191, and then the last couple of days, I have been going up and down to 194. I always weigh myself as soon as I get out of the shower. I have been working hard outside the last week, My sister and I, shoveled six loads of dirt by ourselves and we been cleaning our whole bottom, which is pretty big. Is it possible that I am turning fat into muscle? I thought I would lose more weight but I haven't. I am six months out, I started at 271, and was down to 191, now my digital scales say 194. My mom has regular ones, and they read around 191-192. I don't know if digital is accurate or not. HELP!!! OPEN RNY, OCT 4, 2001, BTC IN COLUMBUS OHIO, DR. CHRISTOPHER KACZMARSKI, YOU GO DOC!!!    — TONYA B. (posted on April 7, 2002)

April 7, 2002
I have this same problem. It all depends on how much water weight I have. I took a few water pills one day(my doctor said they were ok) just to see what my true weight was. And to my surprise it was 2 less then my lowest weight. So dont worry about it. You sound like me, and maybe weigh every day(ya ya I know it is bad....but hey I wanna so I am). And even though I weigh at the same time in the morning I still go up and down 3 to 4 pounds. Nancy
   — nkoehler88

April 7, 2002
Don't let the scale make you crazy. Only use one and just as a point of referance ie how much you lost. The only scale you can really depend on is the Dr 's scale in his office. Please only weigh in at most 1x per week.--- Good Luck
   — Robert L.

April 7, 2002
I am two months post-op and started becoming obsessed with the scales. I was on them EVERYDAY! I was getting very discouraged at how slow I thought the weight was coming off. Finally I asked my husband to hide the scales and only get them out for me once a week so that I can weigh myself. This practice seems to help me. Just don't get on the scales more than once a week!!!!! Also, don't use any other scales than your own or your doctors. Hope this suggestion helps.
   — D. Lynn B.

April 7, 2002
Have you taken your measurements lately? I've noticed that if I do my walking during the week, my weight won't move much, but my measurements change dramatically. And I'd be more than happy to weigh 200 lbs if I was all muscle and looked like I weighed 150! Another possibility is your period. Is it due in the next week? You'll retain more fluid in the days leading up to it. Don't panic yet - give it a little more time. And congrats on the great loss you've had so far!
   — Katy B.

April 7, 2002
FACT: you cannot turn fat into muscle. It's like trying to chancge an apple into an orange because they are both fruits. What you probably are doing is gaining more muscle mass, which by the way, weighs more than fat. It is dense tissue. I would agree with those who say take your measurements. I believe your exercise regime and a balanced diet is doing your body wonders. Keep up the exercising and let nature take it's course. Good Luck.
   — Elizabeth P.

April 7, 2002
Another fact, fat does not weigh more than muscle. A pound of fat takes up more room than a pound of muscle, but they are both a pound. As others have said, though, take your measurements. Do that regularly, like once a month, and I'll be you notice they go down even when the scales don't move as much as you'd like.
   — garw

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