I had a TT about 2 years ago and have pain at the incision site.

I had an anchor cut about 2 years ago. I'm happ with the results but notice that on the horizontal incision I have some pain. It's one spot it burns and is a sharp pain. After I work out I have Actucally hold my hand on the spot to stop the pain.I go to my PCP tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else had heard of this    — nicole79 (posted on February 22, 2006)

February 21, 2006
Nicole: I'm wondering if maybe you have an internal suture working it's way out? Also, maybe an incisional hernia? Those two things came to mind. Maybe internal adhesions are to blame? Good luck at your Dr's appt, hopefully he/she will have some answers!!! DeeAnn R
   — DeeAnn

February 22, 2006
It sounds as if you may have adhesions where the sharp pains are and nerve pain where the burning is at. Ask your surgeon about Neurontin for nerve pain if he agrees with the burning being nerve pain. Good luck. Shelly
   — scharlier

February 23, 2006
Sounds like nerve pain. Nuerontin and some of the old school anti-depressants can be helpful. Of course, all medications have side effects so make sure your need for pain relief is worth dealing with potential side effects. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

February 24, 2006
Original poster here. Thanks for all of your answers. It turns out I have an inguinal hernia and will need to have surgery.
   — nicole79

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