the real thing??/

when is it a good time to start having real coffee again, i like it black and one cup would do me, even half a cup......I had my surgery on January 30th, 2007    — crawford (posted on February 4, 2007)

February 4, 2007
Hello..everyone is different. I am just about 3 months out as of 2-06-07. I didn't have coffee for about 6 weeks. The first time I had it..I tried 1 cup just to see what it would do.But now, I have a couple (no more than two) cups a day. See what you can tolerate. Go slow. I believe that coffee is considered a stimulant, so that's probably why it isn't highly recommended.Good luck to you.
   — purnellj

February 4, 2007
Every is definitely different and all doctors have different recommendations. But my dr told not util 3 months out. It would be a good idea to call your doctor and ask him or his nurse. Good luck!
   — Cira S.

February 4, 2007
Yes, we all have different protocals to follow. I was told to limit caffeine as it stimulates your appetite. I didn't drink caffeine until after 6 months and now only drink de-caf. It has just been a personal decision for me that works.
   — 1968 Loser

February 4, 2007
I was drinking decaf coffee about 2 months after surgery, with my dieticians approval. good luck.
   — sachi48sims

February 4, 2007
Just make sure its decaf.
   — the7thdean

February 4, 2007
I started having "real" coffee in the hospital right after my surgery (LAP RNY). I have had no problems with it, and I drink it everyday. However, I'm sure docs have some reason to tell us not to have it. But, they gave it to me in the hospital, and I have been drinking it ever since with no problems. I only use milk, no cream, no sugar.
   — Cheriehott

February 4, 2007
Hi, I agree every MD is different. My MD said no real coffee at all due to iron deficiency. Iron binds with caffeine and with the RNY this could cause problems but decafe is ok. Robin
   — greenrobinson

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