I am looking for a good protein shake that tastes at least decent?????

   — blively (posted on April 11, 2008)

April 11, 2008
I had the Doudenal Switch weight loss surgery. In the beginning i used Isopure I got it at Vitamin Shoppe and GNC. It is thin like water and comes in glass botttles. Now I get protein from food but occasionally I use Jay Robb's powder and like it alot with milk ice & splenda...the vanilla is nice with orange or cherry or root beer diet soda too!
   — SameButDifferent

April 11, 2008
I'm a new post op and I like unjury so far. Chocolate is the only kind I drink though.
   — Beautiful-Nightmare

April 11, 2008
Try Carnation Instant Breakfast. Sugar free. They are very good.
   — Joanc

April 11, 2008
Unjury is great :) I actually look forward to drinking it! I've had chocolate, vanilla and strawberry sorbet....I LOVE the strawberry! With the vanilla sometimes i throw in some bananas or fruit. Reduced fat and sugar peanut butter too! Carnation instant breakfast sugar free is great too! I got my entire family hooked on unjury!
   — Lepp78

April 11, 2008
I find local brands do not have the taste or have too much sugar. Try and they will send samples single servings of their flavors. Also they make this just for Bariatics and cancer patients.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 11, 2008
I drink Nectar sweets by Syntrax. Low sugar, high protein, low carbs, it's excellent tasting too. I buy Chocolate Truffle.
   — Kar708

April 11, 2008
I just tried a container of Cytosport's "Muscle Milk" that I found in a container at Target Stores and OMIGOD!!! It tastes like chocolate cake batter when I mixed it in some unsweetened soymilk...Plus it is lactose free! The other day I mixed a scoop of the powder with a tablespoon of soymilk and a little peanutbutter...and it made an AWESOME spread for water crackers or wholegrain crackers...Delicious! I mix up a half glass and add sf choco jello mix for one serving...SOOO good! Oh...and I hate HATE protein powder... 1 Scoop is 16gs of protein...add to milk for extra protein or add two scoops to water...It mixes really well too...
   — .Anita R.

April 11, 2008
I think they all taste bad. I use protein capsules. They're called Capsul-Pro and I get them at
   — jonedwards

April 11, 2008
I use Unjury. It is medical quality protein and taste great. You can buy them over the internet at When you order they send you some great recipes so you don't get bored. I also used Carnation Instant Breakfast, sugar free and it taste good also.
   — dyates2948

April 11, 2008
I use some that you can get at GNC. It to me is very good, I do them everyday. The have a orange cream and banana cream that is my favorite. I had the lapband, but still do not feel I get the right amount of protein in through eating. I also put them in sugar free vanillia ice cream to make milkshake. They are great!
   — Babbles

April 11, 2008
I love the Atkins' Advantage shakes, especially the Chocolate Royale & Cafe Mocha.
   — leslielabranche

April 11, 2008
I have not had surgery yet, but I enjoy VitaLady. You can have it mailed to you + they have sample packs. Very inexpensive versus full size containers.Find it here: They also have un-flavored.
   — Boxofrain_2345

April 12, 2008
Hi Brandi, I am 4 months out from LAP RNY and I drink Worldwide Nutrition Pure Protein. I get it at Trader Joes. I think it tastes like Chocolate SlimFast. Not as gritty as alot of the protein drinks out there. It has 35 grams of protien per 12 oz. Its my favorite. HTH!
   — BrookLayne

April 12, 2008
I like the muscle milk. I buy it in the individual cartons by the case at Costco. It taste great. My kids always want a taste of it and love it too. The powder isn't as good alone, but is much better when i add a little splenda and instant coffee granules and ice then mix in the blender. But it does mix very well and not gritty. I also really like Weight Watchers Smoothie with fat free milk. VERY GOOD. Slim Fast "Low carb" in the can is very good too. I am 11 days post-op and i'm enjoying the protein shake phase very much. They keep me full and satisfied. So far i've lost 16 lbs. Good luck and God bless.
   — Kristi H.

April 12, 2008
I had the same problem. I could not stomach the taste of protein drinks. I now use Syntrax- nectars Fuzzy Navel flavor. It is WONDERFUL! I mix it in crystal light orange drink and enjoy. It is a great breakfast protein. You can get it at several places, but the cheapest I found was at They even have samples so you do not have to spend a fortune to see if you like it. GOOD LUCK!
   — mary_rn

April 14, 2008
Another little known but wonderful protein option is found at GNC or online at Tastes great. 6.4 oz, 100 cals, 20g protein. Completely portable - I even keep a can in the car! Choc, van, banana. Try it. I lived on it for quite some time after surgery and still use it 2 years out.
   — Beebop11

April 17, 2008
Nectra by far is the best i think low cal, low carbs low sugar tastes good and 23gm protein
   — Nurse343

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