What is the 5 day pouch test

Can someone let me know what is the 5 day pouch test and the things you have to do. Thanks    — joejoe2 (posted on January 3, 2009)

January 3, 2009
It is five days f a cetain diet yu follow and it puts your pouchie back to day one style and gets yu back on track anbd iut really does work, my daughter and I did it about a month ago ands my pouch is still tight from it and can onl now eat small amounts again. Go to her site below and follow it and you can buy her book on it.
   — WannaBThin4OnceInMyLife

January 3, 2009
I did the 5 day pouch test and lost 8 lbs during that time. You can find the links in here. For the most part, you go back to baiscs and jump start your weightloss. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

January 4, 2009
It's not a diet designed for weight loss, although some people do lose weight once they cut out eating all the carbs they've been eating! As soon as carbs are added back the weight comes back! The purpose of the test is to reset your pouch so you can feel restriction again and remember how it is you are supposed to be eating by following the pouch rules. You do a mini 5 days of food stages...You start with 2 days of liquid, 1 day of soft proteins, 1 day of denser proteins and the last day of solid meats and protein...By day five you can feel what it is like to be in control of your pouch and feel fullness much faster, making it easy to stop eating as soon as you "feel" it. I was drinking with my meals...A bad habit I started at year 3 post op! I learned to stop that habit during the 5DPT...It amazed me how well it worked...By day 5, you've also cut out all the simple carbs you've been eating and no longer have sugar cravings; your pouch is usually much more calm, no gas or pains...You have learned to stop over eating and "FEEL" fullness much faster. After it's over, you are on your own, you need to add back complex carbs and watch your calories so that you can begin to lose FAT weight. I began logging my food and calories which proved to be the single most eye opening and easy way to really get back on track. When you know what you are REALLY eating and how many calories and fats and carbs are in the foods you don't suspect to be...It really wakes you up and makes you look for better choices... EAT ONLY til you are satisfied, add exercise and you are back on the losing side no matter how long ago your surgery was! It helped me lose 10 lbs of winter weight last year...I usually pack on a few (3-4) pounds in the winter! But last year I gained 10. (but I was also sick and didn't know it) By spring time , once I can get back outside in my yard and gardens, I lose it all right away... This is not a diet to lose weight and many are disappointed because they miss the entire point...It works for people who are off track with their eating...Read more about it at
   — .Anita R.

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