How long does it take to return to work?

How long before does the average gatric bypass surgery person return to work? Also how much truth to the hair falling out?    — animal1lover (posted on February 1, 2009)

February 1, 2009
Well, that depends on what you do for a living. I work with highly assaultive people on a psychiatric unit. I didn't go back to work until I was completely healed, at 8 weeks. My hair started falling out at about three months and stopped shortly before I hit the one year mark. I was the only one who noticed it. Now it's all growing back.
   — Shirley D.

February 1, 2009
I went back to work on Day 7. I have not started losing my hair yet.
   — sara772779

February 1, 2009
I went back to work after about a week, I am about 3 mos out and the hair has definatley started falling out! It makes me really nervous!! Well see what happens. Good luck!
   — tiffaney2183

February 1, 2009
UI am retired age 61, but I haven't lost any hair yet, 6 mos post op. I was out walking all over the place a week after surgery. I was careful though.
   — katiecakes

February 1, 2009
I went back to work on the 5th day, and would have the 4th but I was running a low grade fever. I am now 2 months post op. Monica ... Texas
   — MonHay

February 1, 2009
Greetings Linda: I have never had any experiences of having my hair fall out except when I had liver failure and close to dying. Then, I lost a huge amount because of the shock to my system. I was 67 when I had my RNY. I was self-employed and needed my commission income. My firm required I have a letter from my surgeon. He wanted me to recuperate for 6 weeks but settled on saying I could return in 6 weeks. I did. Yet, I was so weak, I could only work less than 2 hours a day. Slowly my health improved to the point where I walked and worked rings around folks half my age. So, other then when I was very close to dying from a bacteria which ate my internal organs causing my liver to fail, I have never had my hair fall out. And, I have thick, thick Viking hair. Hope this ifo helps you. Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, Life Coach in training, OH Coach, OH WLS Support Group Leader
   — Christine Gibson

February 1, 2009
I could have gone back to work after 2 weeks, but to get adjusted to eating soft foods I went back after 3 weeks. I work at an office environment. As far as hair falling out... My nutrionist told me if I had no problems with my hair failing out during my two pregnancies that I should not have a problem now. I was also told, that as long as you consume the protein like you should you should not loose your hair. My surgery was on Dec 30. 2008, so I cannot really tell you about hair falling out this oon. I have not had the problem yet and hope what my nutrionist told me is true.
   — tkilpatrick

February 1, 2009
Linda, some people take a day or two off work, while others, like me, I took my full 6 weeks. I thought it was really important to get back on my feet and recover well, establish an pattern of diet and exercise and then get back to the grind of working. Sometimes you just don't know until you have had surgery. Regarding hair loss. Many do lost hair, it just happens. But here is the thing. I'll trade my hair for the 120 pounds I lost any day! No one noticed but me, and it grows back. It is NOT like having chemo where you lose it all, it just thins one, more on some people than others. People get all freaked out about it, but I was just glad to get the weight off. Not one person knew I lost so much hair unless I told them, and I just patiently waited for it to come back, and it did.
   — Patricia P

February 1, 2009
I had lap VGS and returned to work in a week, but left a few hours early most days that first week back. After that, I was fine. I work for a school district and travel between schools - had to limit my running around for the first week back to 2-3 schools in a day. As for hair falling out, I am 5 months post-op and just this past month have lost a little more than normal, but not much - just thinned it out a tiny bit - but has backed off now and just normal hair loss. Just be sure you get your protein, water and exercise in - and your vitamins!
   — Wendy M.

February 1, 2009
I could have gone back to work at 2 weeks, but took 3 because of adjusting to different foods - didn't want to do that in the office. I sit at a desk most of the time, so its easier to go back than if you had a more physical type job. My hair is still falling out. I'm just over 5 months, and for me its been a lot of hair. We're cleaning the shower drain twice a week now. The doctor said its the trauma of surgery, and not a lack of protein, but I sure hope it stops soon!!!
   — Ursie77

February 1, 2009
A week or two should be fine to take off work. Yes, your hair will fall out and yes it will grow back. I cut mine to my shoulders five years ago when it started to fall out. Now it is to my waist.
   — Carlyn M.

February 2, 2009
My hair started falling out at 3 months post-op and has just now stopped and I am 6 months out. I thought I was going bald and people did start noticing hair thin my hair was becoming. BUT I now have a lot of new hair growth.
   — Kitrina

February 3, 2009
I had my surgery on 1/12/09 and I don't plan to go back until I get the ok to drive, about 6 wks out.
   — Kayla B.

June 15, 2009
I was back to work on Day 7. No hair loss as of yet, 3 months post of.
   — rkurquhart

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