Why am I not loosing weight?

It has been 27 days since my bapband procedure and I have yet to loose any weight in the last 27 days. I read where others are loosing 20-30 pounds in 1-2 months. I am scheduled for my first fill on March 12th. WHY am I NOT loosing weight?    — JSing (posted on February 25, 2009)

February 24, 2009
Lapband wt loss is slower than RNY. My surgeon does both surgeries. His protocol is not to do any "fills" for the first 30 days. This may be the same protocol as your surgeon. If this is the case, it's not the fault of your surgery, but your choice of foods, quantities of foods, eliminating specific foods from your diet, exercise, and fluid intake. The lapband or RNY are tools toward wt loss, and behavior mofications must take place in order to attain wt loss. You not your "first fill on March 12". You should probably consider attending a wt loss support group for lapband patients to help you. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

February 24, 2009
Are you following a specific post surgery diet? I know lap band people can eat what ever foods they choose but you should have a program of foods to follow so you loose weight by portion control and selecting healthy foods.
   — trible

February 25, 2009
You must be drinking 64 ounces of water a day to help with the weight loss. You must not drink during your meal and not drink before or after for a certain amount of time. You must be doing exercise. You can walk an hour a day at your stage. You must follow the diet plan for each stage of your recovery.
   — texasweb

February 25, 2009
Every doctor has their own set of rules n fills for lap band from my surgeon is 6 weeks. Did not the nurse with the seminars tell you over and over. 3 total weeks liquids- nothing with sugar or artifical sweeteners of any kind? Than your second phase and than the third phase takes you into your sixth week. This is the healing phase. Are you walking as they stated everyday up to 30 minutes or more a day? I would suggest you call your doctors office or review the material they gave you and follow it to the tee. Don't be so hard on yourself cause "everyone" is different. This is a great tool the lapband but you can't abuse it. the pouch needs to heal during this 6 weeks and you sure don't want to stretch the pouch!
   — Eneleh

February 25, 2009
I am in the same situation as you. I had my Lap Band surgery 2/3/2009. On the pre-surgery diet I lost 20 pounds, but since surgery I haven't lost anything and am following my post surgery diet. My first fill is March 12th also.
   — Judy T.

February 25, 2009
Too late for pre-op preparation; usually people get support groups and Nutritionist-education at the center where the surgery takes place. I can only concur with the previous people, it is not the surgery that will make you loose weight, it is a change in life style which will be the only way to tell, and that would be a permanent change or until you get the lab-band removed. The lap band has been documented as being much slower that RNY for loosing weight, and as with RNY it is a tool, not the solution for combating obesity.
   — sor09

February 25, 2009
Hello, I had lapband on 12/15/08. I lost 10 lbs pre surgery and by 3 weeks after surgery, lost another 8 lbs. I didn't loose anything more for weeks. At my 6weeks post op check and first fill, my doctor reminded me he didn't expect me to have lost weight and the time till the first fill had been for healing. I am now 10+ weeks post op and have lost 16 pounds since surgery, total loss of 26 lbs!! Yes, Lapband means slow weight loss, please don't be discouraged. Follow your diet plan as best you can and check in with your nutritionist every few weeks. Get some form of exercise most days of the week. I hope this helps. Lindy
   — nurselpt

February 25, 2009
I had same happen, and weight loss was slow. Even with up to 3 fills I still had the same old appetite. I was told the restriction from a fill is different for everyone and it may take 5 or more fills to get the "full" feeling. They said, instead of focusing on the scale, read and study all the lap-band materials, keep track of what you're eating (protein first) and total calories, pay attention to your eating triggers and learn to distract yourself and plan on your success! I had my 5th fill yesterday and I am actually looking forward to finally feeling full! Also they informed me that, in the beginning, you need to SELF-restrict until you learn what the "full feeling" is. They assured me that, down the road, the band will do more of the work (as long as I don't drink high-calorie items). I understand your frustration! Hope this helps!
   — peaches62

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