I am 7 weeks post-op and have only lost 25 lbs, have not lost any weight for 3 wks

I lost the 25 lbs. at 4 weeks post-op and have not lost ANYTHING for the past 3 weeks. I drink 64 oz of water am eating 40-50 grams of protein a day, take the vitamins, exercise, follow the diet, but the scale hasn't moved. What am I doing wrong. I know 6 other people who had the surgery and the weight just fell off them. I had the RYN procedure. I'm feeling so frustrated, and now I feel this is just another diet that won't work for me.    — JeannieCooper1 (posted on February 4, 2008)

February 4, 2008
Just remember that not everyone looses as quickly as others. I was very slow at the beginning too. Just remember to stay focused and continue to do as your doctor recomends. Time will continue and one morning you will get up and find you have lost another 5 lbs almost over night. It happens that way. I can't tell you how many times I reached a pleatue and it seemed like I just wouldn't get it off. Here I am 14 months out and have lost over 125 lbs.......just hang in there and watch what you eat. Remember to exercise as much as you can too. That helps so much. It will help to keep your skin toned as you loose the weight. Take care and good luck.
   — Tana Mallard

February 4, 2008
Jeannie, As stated every body is different. I've noticed that people who had the surgery when I did and weighted like 100+ pounds more lost weight fast. Don't try to compare yourself others -- just stay positive. If you are working out everyday, you might want to change it to every other day and give your body a chance to recover. Your body too is still healing on the inside. I've stalled a few times yet and expected those moments and some have lasted for at least 4 weeks; however, we can't panic, get depressed, or become frustrated about the process -- don't weigh yourself, allow your cloths to measure your weight loss.
   — the7thdean

February 4, 2008
This is not another diet that's not going to work. You are not going to be the only person who is not successful on this. Talk with your nutritionist and make sure your total food intake is ok. You keep a food journal right? (That was a hint). I'm a slow loser too. It's very frustrating but the key is PERSISTENCE. Also, as someone else wrote, check your measurements. I had a week where I lost nothing and yet lost two inches off my waist. I bet there's something like that going on. Hang in there. The scale is going to move again. Just keep making the good choices and wait it out, and yes, I know WAIT IS A FOUR LETTER WORD. Come look at the Health Forum. We do mini challenges there, and you can be matched up with a buddy to give you support.
   — Shirley D.

February 4, 2008
They're telling you right! I am 8 weeks out, and was stuck for two weeks. I have dropped four pounds, since the end of last week!! The only thing I can pin-point that I am doing different is drinking lot's of water. It helps the skin to keep hydrated too. Hang in there and be patient, your tool will work for you!
   — lesleigh07

February 4, 2008
Jeannie, As stated every body is different. I've noticed that people who had the surgery when I did and weighted like 100+ pounds more lost weight fast. Don't try to compare yourself others -- just stay positive. If you are working out everyday, you might want to change it to every other day and give your body a chance to recover. Your body too is still healing on the inside. I've stalled a few times yet and expected those moments and some have lasted for at least 4 weeks; however, we can't panic, get depressed, or become frustrated about the process -- don't weigh yourself, allow your cloths to measure your weight loss.
   — the7thdean

February 4, 2008
Hi Jeanie, You lost 25 lbs the first month...That is almost a pound a day! Imagine your body as a machine built to survive...and suddenly someone just cut off it's food supply...It's job is to survive... and it's going to do whatever it takes to keep you from starving...including shutting down your metabolism if it has to...Give it a chance to catch up! It will. You're body is fighting the results of drastic changes. You are only 7 weeks out...You will continuously level out before you begin to lose again.. If you measure your will see inches lost and know that the weight will catch up. You have to remember that it takes a lot for your body to break down fat and try to save you from what it thinks is starvation...In a will be so happy! A patient and continue your hard work. This is not a diet...Look at all the before and after photos. It's real and you're on your way to a healthier thinner life!
   — .Anita R.

February 4, 2008
I am 7 wks post up and had a 3 wk plateau and understand how you feel. I have lost 22lbs and feel discouraged and feel my body is fighting the weight loss. I have been on so many diets, I think this time it is saying"wait a minute" here she goes again, slow down the metabolism. I am trying to walk 3 miles a day at least 4 days a week, I get enough protein, liquids, most of the time I get in the 64oz, but still the weight is slow. I hought the exercise would help, it did move it from the plateau, but I am averaging about one pound a week. I will say my clothes fit better and yesterday a beach size towel fit totally around me with no gaps, that felt like an accomplishement, and my clothes are getting loose, my 34pants feel like they could fall down and off of me, but the scale says the same number up one and down one for a couple of days. Oh well, guess we have to keep the faith, just wanted you to know that I am feeling discouraged also and understand your pain. Guess we will have to have some faith, that this time it will be different and we will succeed. It's hard to have faith when you can't see a year out from now.
   — faunemarie

February 4, 2008
Dont step on the scale every day. I was doing that and I wasnt seeing a weight loss. Believe me it will come off. I lost 80LBS in 3 or 4 months. Keep the faith. This tool really does work. I weighed 274LBS when I started this 4 yrs ago and today I weigh 133. I wear a size 5-6 and I am very happy.
   — Joanc

February 4, 2008
Please, don't compare your success with that of others. We are all different and that includes weight loss. I have been told by many, and found this to be true, up the protein. That will jusmp start a weight loss when you have not been losing as much lately. I tried it, and, yes it works. My surgeon told me I have to get at least 65 grams of protein a day. And really it won't hurt you to get 70-75 grams a day.
   — Brenda R.

February 4, 2008
Hi Jeannie. Do you know that your anxiety can keep you from losing weight? You are doing all the right things. Maybe change your exercise routine, or bump it up a little, but your body will change when it is ready. Celebrate the 25 pounds you have lost, be thankful, and just wait for your body to make those changes. It will come in time. Don't compare yourself to another, it never works. I had a friend who lost like you, on and off again, right from the start, and she is a size 4 and thin and loving it. It just took her longer than me. I lost about 2 pounds a week for over a year and took off my weight very consistently. Both ways work, and every body is different. Be patient and thankful and keep working hard! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

February 5, 2008
I had a simular experence. I lost big the first 4 weeks and then the next month only a few pounds. I was weighing every day and some days I would go up a pound. My doctor told me to put the scales away and let him do the weighing. I found that what happened was I was increasing my excersize and building musele mass and losing fat. Then after 4 weeks things begain to move again. I see people in my group meeting that seem to lose a ton every month, but I accepted that I am a little slower than the rest, and you have to accept the same. Just keep following the rules and it will work for you. I too have tried every diet and failed, but this is a tool for a new life and not a fad diet and it does work. Keep up the hard work and the rewards will come soon.
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 5, 2008
My daughter and I both had surgery 7/18/07. We went thru exactly this. Be patient. Follow your program and exercise. It will come off. It also helped me to not get on the scales so often.. Instead of daily, I went to weekly for a couple of weeks. Remember, it's about your health, not how fast it happens or how much you lose by a certain day. Take care of yourself.
   — ChasesNana

February 5, 2008
i am also about 7-8 weeks out. i am only down 30 lbs and also am doing everything right. i think 25-30 lbs is great for less then 2 months out. dont compare yourself. i also had a standstill where the scale didnt move for 2 weeks. everyone says it happens. good luck

February 11, 2008
I had my surgery 2007/12/17, so I am about 8 weeks post-op. I lost a total of 33 lbs since surgery and also had a stop in between. Even when there is nothing to see on the scale, I can see that my figure changes. Be patient, it will work! Good luck, greetings from Austria, Europe
   — rina_mo

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