is it normal to be able to eat a little more salad then other foods,because i can eat

least a cup and a half of salad and with solid food i can't consume that much..i also can eat the same amount of watermelon.....Am i eating tooo much?    — minkii68 (posted on September 12, 2008)

September 12, 2008
If I could suggest measuring your food rather than eating unitl your full. This will train your eye on how much food you should be eating rather than how much food you can fit in your pouch. Good luck.
   — bariatricdivalatina

September 12, 2008
both watermelon and lettuce have a lot of water in them. LEttuce is fiber but iceberg has no nutritional value at all. When you ask, "am I eating too much" I think you have to take a look at whether you're losing weight in the amount you are happy with, as what you're eating and how much will be a factor in your weight loss or gain.
   — cjjordan

September 12, 2008
Hi, Melinda. I could and can eat a lot of salad and I think it is because of the water content. I hadn't thought of that before and was wondering several months ago how I could eat that much lettuce. As long as I am using a low/no fat dressing and not eating too much 'other' stuff in my salad, I feel pretty good about it.
   — jujuprof

September 12, 2008
To determine what the real measurement of that kind of food with water and air, run it through your food processor, strain out the water and what is left packed into a cup is what you are realing putting in your pouch. Salid and watermellon not much. Also peaches, ocra and other foods are called slider food because they slid through the empty pouch to the gut, and do not stay in the pouch like normal food.
   — William (Bill) wmil

September 12, 2008
Salads were one of my most missed foods those first couple of months!! I remember how good it was, when I could finally have that. I craved salads more than any junk food! I would put a little ham, turkey, chicken, and or cheese, to add protein, and found some really good lite dressings. Here's what I think, and I'm not a expert on the subject...If you took a cup of lettuce and put it in a blender, or food processor and processed it. I bet it would not come back out a cup. But if you took a cup of meat and processed it, I bet it would come out close to a cup. So, if you are eating around a cup of salad greens, and you are careful about salad dressings, and other calories, sugars, and carbs that are in stuff you put in there, then, I don't think it can cause harm. Especially if you are chewing it well. BUT, just be sure you are getting your proteins 60 grm and fluids 60 oz., in per day!! Good luck!
   — lesleigh07

September 13, 2008
I'm so jealous that you get to eat salads! I'm just 8 weeks post-op and am too scared to try them yet. I miss salads more than anything! Can't wait to have one with ham, turkey, and cheese! Mmmm! Just remember to get your proteins in FIRST before you eat salad or fruits!! Good luck with everything!
   — Susan L.

September 13, 2008
The rule is to eat the protine first.Salad have no food value.
   — stanwalker

September 17, 2008
Salad and watermelon are both mostly water with very little solid matter. If you were to mash them down, a cup and a half of either one would probably be more like a third cup of food, if that.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

September 19, 2008
Salad is easy to eat, just pick the right lettuce. Iceberg has no value, try spring green mix & romaine hearts. Experiment with different types some of them are spicy too like watercress. Enjoy add some protein too like sunflower seeds, nuts. I make a meal out of it with like walnuts, and cranberries. Sometimes i use a romaine leaf for a taco shell. Good luck.
   — Faerydust1313

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