I am about 3 weeks post op and today by mistake I swallowed my gum is that bad?

   — Lina05 (posted on June 25, 2009)

June 25, 2009
I don't know if that's good or not but I was told and have read numerous times that we are not to chew gum for two reasons..accidental swallowing and also just the act of chewing causes stomach to make acid.
   — Kathleen F.

June 25, 2009
Hi. The same thing happened to me 6 DAYS post-op (R-N-Y)! All appears to be okay, but if I had been using my common sense, it wouldn't have happened. The second reason your first question-answerer gave was news to me and very good to know. Thanks, and let's just stay away from the gum, eh? Cattykit
   — Cattykit

June 25, 2009
I started chewing gum again at about 3 months out, and DR. said it was ok. The reason they don't want you to accidently swallow it I was told is because it is bigger than and eraser head and could get stuck.
   — Cjames3259

June 26, 2009
I did the same thing at church last week. I didn't swallow the gum but my breath was so bad that I took some gum from my son. About 2 hours later, I realized my mistake. I will just try to avoid it. But I did hear the concern was swallowing it and having to have it surgically removed! I accidently took a bite of a carrot intended for my horse! LOL I didn't even realize my mistake until the next day. I was like.....OH MY! I ATE A CARROT YESTERDAY!!!!! LOL Thank GOD someone is watching out for me!
   — Teresa W.

June 26, 2009
The reason why we are told not to chew gum is becuase it CAN get stuck. If you have already had the surgury, then you should know just how small the opening of the pouch really is. If the opening does get blocked, it can cause some serious pain, and the ONLY way to get your pouch opening unblocked is to have whatever is blocking it surgically removed. If you have bad breath, try sucking on a tic tac instead of chewing on gum and taking that risk. :)
   — michelle caballero

June 27, 2009
I am still pre-op but have been told to avoid gum... with RNY, you shouldn't have to worry about the gum causing an increase in stomach acid, but if you swallow a piece of gum, it can act like a "stopper" and clog your pouch. Should that happen, you will have to have an endoscopy and they will either retrieve the gum or push it through... not really surgery, but they will knock you out for the procedure :/.
   — Clumsybarbie

June 27, 2009
BAD NEWS! Check with your doctor!
   — sissystone

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