hello to all just had to tell everyone that i could i have lost 70pds. in 4months

so happy for my self i hope i get some good way to go nancy LOL but anyway just had to let you all know i am feeling great and the bye for and god bless all that read the post. nancy adkins    — nancy A. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
Way to go!!!! that is an awesome amount of weight to lose and i cannot wait to be on the losing side myself! RNY 11/6/03.
   — tmchase62

October 8, 2003
nancy , thats great , I celebrate with you :) I am 6 months out and have lost 90 :) so look forward and know it will continue . Love Ruthie
   — ruthie

October 8, 2003
Congratulations and WAY TO GO! To you and me!!! I've also lost 70 pounds in 4 months. Woohoo! =)
   — jennifer A.

October 9, 2003
WAY TO GO!!!!!! Congratulations you are doing great. I think I lost around 90 but I have 200 to lose and have now lost 181 in 14 mths!!!! Keep up the good work and yeah to you for being proud of yourself. keep being obsessed or forget what you went thru and where you have been. :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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