
Is it okay to drink ensure for protein, a friend at work had surgery 2ys ago and told me she drinked ensure, has anyone else done this.    — mommamai (posted on January 22, 2007)

January 22, 2007
Ensure was not on my list of things I could have, but Glucerna, Boost Diabetic, Slim Fast Optima or Low Carb & Adkins Shakes. All of these have protein supplements in them. Hope this helps!!!!! Email me if you have any other ?'s.
   — deiben

January 22, 2007
Our dietician said not to drink ensure because it is for people who need to gain weight or you could gain weight from drinking it -- but its not on the list. I wouldn't touch it. A friend of mine loves those Exterme Smoothies that she purchases online.
   — the7thdean

January 22, 2007
My surgeon recommended drinking Ensure-- and I bought the cheap Rite-Aid brand. It does make my stomach hurt a little for about 1/2 hour after I drink it... I think it's because it has a lot of sugar in it.
   — airbear762000

January 22, 2007
HI, It definitely has too much sugar, thats why the last poster probably gets a stomach ache after drinking it.. its not worth feeling yuchy, so I would stay away from it and choose something with either no sugar or less sugar. I really like the Advant Edge shakes, i get them at Walmart or Sams, they taste great, have 15 gm of protein and very little sugar, plus they are premixed and ready to drink and they are pretty inexpensive.. I actually buy coupons on ebay for them for $1.00 off and end up getting them for less than $4.00 a 4 pk. Good luck!!
   — April

January 23, 2007
*I* wouldn't touch the stuff. Watched my dad put on 20# in 6 months in a nursing home while using this! Whoa! I use powders, since those are really the best (& cheapest) source of good protein, low sugars. The one I use the most often gives me 32g protein, 0g sugar in about 8 oz water.
   — vitalady

January 23, 2007
It is not on my list, and has WAY too much sugar. Like the previous people said, look for low sugar protein drinks. I agree the Advant Edge ones tast good and they make low sugar varieties. (Read the lables) Another one that I like has 20 grams of protein for about 110 calories is Achieve One. They are like coffee drinks (kinda like the bottled Starbucks Frappachino) They are quite yummy and you get alot of protein from them. I find them at a local bariatric store, the website is Hope this helps!
   — robinmarra

January 25, 2007
I was told by both my surgeon and my dietician to avoid meal replacement drinks.
   — Novashannon

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