I am miserable. I want to eat something and can't ! HELP

My Dr said chicken broth,sugar free pudding,jello, loose mashed potatoes,cream of wheat. I am thinkinh I made the wrong decision. I am not happy.....    — amykwebster (posted on December 22, 2008)

December 22, 2008
You will be able to eat something, just not now! You have to be patient and you will be fine! You have to protect your new pouch now and let it heal! Hang in there - it is all so worth it!
   — GlitterGal

December 22, 2008
To be brutally honest, food restrictions are about to become a very big part of your life. The upside is, your head might tell you you want more, but your stomach is not going to be able to handle it. Before you know it tho, you will have a diet more toward the side of normal, but with very small portions. Hang in there. I used to be a person that would drive thru one fast food restaraunt and go straight to the next one. A binge eater. You'll get thru this, and being 100 lbs smaller than my top weight. I can say, the rewards are well worth any sacrifice in food you may have to make! Good luck! And find some little hobbies to keep you busy. I sketch or work crossword puzzles, when I'm not busy keeping up with my obcessive compulsive housecleaning! :p
   — lesleigh07

December 22, 2008
Please be patient it will pass soon it is so that everything can heal. You want to be able to have a long healthy weight loss journey without problems with your band. I had my band placed on 10-10-08 and I have now lost 33 lbs. Your stoma is very sensitive and needs time for the stitches to heal and your band to seat in place so you will not have problems with slips and erosion.
   — dammfamily

December 22, 2008
Amy, Now is the time when you have to really evaluate what kind of life you want to have and what quality that life will be. Clearly you have already come to the conclusion that being an overweight person has not made you happy and you desire a change, or you wouldn't be here right? Nothing about weight loss surgery is going to be easy in the beginning. It's a lot about relearning how to live in order to achieve long term goals. You can do this. Just remind yourself that this method of eating (and the options your doctor has given you for right now) are only short term. You can do this!!
   — Elizabeth J.

December 22, 2008
Honey, it's only temporary! We've all been through it and you'll survive, trust me. You have to look at the big picture and ask yourself which is worth more to you--a fleeting moment of eating or a better life where you can be happier all the time?
   — suezahn4me

December 22, 2008
Honey, I know it's hard right now but you can get through it. I did it and I thought it would never end, but things are getting better. I had my surgery on 12/10 and it's been a rough road but we can get through it....
   — Nicole Wilson

December 22, 2008
Relax and calm down. And remember this diet is just temporary. You will eventually be able to eat a more normal diet again. I have kept my weight off for over ten years. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 22, 2008
Just hang in there Amy and follow the Doctors' orders. It will get better in time as the months go by. I don't think you made a bad decision, because their is a reason why you had the procedure in the first place. So hold on and think about the benefits of having the surgery. I know it can be hard at times because I'm on a liquid diet and girl let me tell you it's hard. What I do to keep my mind off of eating I read a good book, listen to music and go for a walk.You will be able to eat solid foods in about two months or so. Amy you can do it just hang in there it's just a phase you will get over it eventually. Okay take care of yourself and stay strong.
   — Judy Hardy

December 22, 2008
are you drinking your protein, it makes me less hungry!! try that and see
   — Lisa Koch

December 22, 2008
This is tough time. You start feeling better and are tempted to eat something you shouldn't STICK WITH YOUR MEALPLAN. You're not happy? That's understandable. I hope nobody promised you that you would be happy 100% of the time. This is just something to get through and YOU CAN DO THIS. But, only if you want to. Hang in there, I promise you it gets better.
   — Shirley D.

December 22, 2008
We have ALL had to go through this. YOU have the misfortune of doing this during the HOLIDAYS, which I am SURE makes things even HARDER, but PLEASE be patient. Make yourself some treats that you CAN have. Try something like eggnog pudding or pumpkin PIE flavored pudding to help get yourself through the cravings during this time of year and let you feel that you are participating in the festivities. you may have to do a bit of EXPERIMENTING to get the flavors right, but in the end, you will find that the effort was WORTH it. It is not that you have much of a choice anyway. If you try to go against your doctor's advice, you risk injuring yourself, so PLEASE make an effort to follow the diet plan as it is set up by your surgeon. I hope this helps. Hugh
   — hubarlow

December 22, 2008
I had VSG on 12'02/08 and have lost 25 lbs. so far. I have been on soup for 4 weeks now. I know this is a difficult time, but believe me and I know you will agree, this is not nearly as hard as it has been trying to lose weight on your own. I know you can do this.... it is temporary. Good luck....
   — Teresa C.

December 22, 2008
Believe me, we all feel your pain. In my case, it was worse. After surgery I could only have liquids for two solid weeks. No jello, no pudding, no nothing. I survived and you will, too. Believe me-- the 60+ pounds I've lost are well worth it! When my head hunger starts to get me, I go pull out the next pair of jeans I want to get into and find something else to focus on. Good luck!
   — snickersblk

December 22, 2008
Although this is a hard time for you now, just remember, nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels!! This to shall pass.
   — psrd370

December 23, 2008
Give it time. It does get better. You can eat more than that..I liked v-8 heated up and put a lil garlic and pepper in it to make it like soup. Also no sugar added fudgies by popcicle brand. They contain a tiny amount of sugar. Try scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, and make sure you get the protein in. The pureed food stgae goes by quickly. Good Luck and Merry Christmas!! 2009 will be easier!
   — gpcmist

December 23, 2008
You can also try sugar free popsiciles that sometimes helps.
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

December 23, 2008
Amy, when was your surgery, I had mine on the 12th and it is kind of hard, but I am trying lots of different things to help. I found refried beans a little salsa and some cheese to be delicious, also the same thing with scrambled eggs. Cream of whatever soup has also been a good choice for me. Someone on the chat room told me to also try hot crystal light when I am feeling like I need something between meals and that has been wonderful (I like the orange, kind of like wassail). My doc will not let us drink our calories he says it is not normal eating and we need to get used to eating normal so I don't drink protein drinks. Anyway, you did not make the wrong decision, I know it is hard right now but it will get better! Have you checked to see how much you have lost, cause everytime I get on the scales I know I made the right decision. Take care and good luck, Cathy
   — brindledanes

December 23, 2008
Oh Amy! I was so there with you. I had bypass on September 29th and for about three weeks, I just knew I had made the wrong decision. I hurt, I was hungry, I hated everything that I put in my mouth. Basically I was just miserable. I cried and yelled and just wanted it to all go away. And you know what, it did. In about three and a half weeks, I felt normal again. I could eat more and easier. I felt better and I was happier. I am now three months out and I feel great. I can eat just about anything I want, just not a lot of it. I hate to use a silly cliche, but this too shall pass. Please don't give up. You are not alone.
   — sassysis

December 23, 2008
Don't worry that stage only lasts a couple of weeks usually. I got to go on up to soft soft foods after my 2 week check with the Dr. His lit says to stay on that stage until about 3 months out, so I am working on finding more foods I can make 'soft' in the food chopper or blender, so I don't get so tired of the same thing. Merry Christmas, Vicki
   — angelvh2

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