how long does dumping snydrome last

i am two months post op and still dealing with dumping snydrome .    — sandy fairweather (posted on March 21, 2009)

March 21, 2009
i think it will stay with you for every just try to stay away from thing that make you dump
   — oldpepsilady

March 21, 2009
I am out 8 months and still dump at times sometimes I can eat or drink something Hot coco, sometimes it makes me dump I have tried certain food I know I shouldnt even sugarfree icecream Still has sugar and 1 x it is ok the next look out I start sweating shaking yuk I am glad I dump cause I stay away from certain things that I should not be eating anyway my gf says she can eat anything and she hates it she wishes she dumps I do not like the feeling so I try not to eat things i shouldnt be Best of luck in your journey TAMMI
   — Tammi Sandoval

March 21, 2009
I'm over 2 yrs post op and I still have dumping when I eat things I shouldn't, such as icecream. I'm also lactose intolerant after surgery. I use Lactaid instead of milk, but I dump anyway if I have ceral with milk, even if it's Lactaid. Go figure...
   — maria09elena

March 21, 2009
I don't know how long but I know that I have a continuum of dumping from carbohydrates. I am almost 11 months post-op. I can get a "hot flash" feeling from too many carrots to vomiting when I tried a little piece of bagel. I stay away from the carbs that I can see (bread, etc...). I can eat Joseph's Heart Friendly low-carb pita (60 calories per pita, carb 10-5 dietary fiber=5 net carb with 7 grams of protein) without problems! I buy these at Walmart SuperCenter. Carbs got me morbidly obese so I am afraid of them. Fear can be a good thing:) Good luck to you... Rena RNY 4/30/08 Duke, NC at 110 lbs.; 117 lbs. gone forever!
   — RenaMansi

March 21, 2009
Hi Sandy. First of all I would suggest finding out what you are consuming that is causing it, then avoid it! lol I have dumping on occasion from too much sugar substitute. I limit the amount of drinks I consume with these sweeteners, and then any products I consume. If I consume too many in a day, the next morning, or sometimes a few hours later, I suffer. Best of luck to you!
   — gpcmist

March 22, 2009
I am 5 years out and while I can tolerate some sugar (More than newly post op) I still dump if I over do it! Example: Was my daughter's birthday a few days ago...A frosted sliver of cake put me on the couch for two hours in pain...It was JUST a sliver...Must have had a lot of sugar in it or it was just one of those days I just could not tolerate carbs...It had been a while since I had carbs in sugar form...It totally gave me a reminder WHY I stay way from more than a few grams of sugar per day in the first place!
   — .Anita R.

March 22, 2009
I think forever, for the most part anyway. It is supposed to be one of the powerful dissencentives to keep us from eating what we are not supposed to. Eating too much sugar and fat is what makes you dump- try to avoid these things forever as part of your long term strategy with WLS. Is this not what you were instructed before you had surgery? Did you think it was just temporary? Best of luck and feel better, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

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