What types of drinks can you buy or juices that don't have sugar. Everything seems to

have sugar in them. Also yoguart has sugar. Can we have some sugar after surgery if it is in yogart or diet snapple etc. I know crystal light doesn't but is there others. Name brands please.    — JUDY E. (posted on February 28, 2001)

February 28, 2001
Pre-op: All fruit has it's own natural sugar, that's where fructose comes from. Even juices that are 100% juice will have sugar naturally. I try to make sure that I buy products that have no ADDED sugar and if it's juice, make sure it says 100% juice. Juicy juice is the cheapest but they have only a few choices. Flavored yogurt usually has sugar added, however, you can get plain yogurt and add your own fruit, this way you can get fresh fruit which is better. I know locally there is a yogurt brand called Mountain High. I think they have some flavors without added sugar. All yogurt is dairy based so it will have some natural sugar in it. Please be careful of anything that's "sugar free", my surgeon says that most artificial sweeteners are appetite enhancers. You don't want to trade the sugar for something worse. Hope that helps.
   — kcanges

February 28, 2001
I drink a lot of Crystal Light (any of their flavors) and also V-8 Splash has a "diet" version that is pretty good.
   — tlg6056

February 28, 2001
Wyler's makes a rasberry punch type drink thats sugar free and tasty. I personally love Crystal Light Iced Tea. Also, for yogurt, Axel Rod makes a fat free, sugar free yogurt thats yummy. Also La Yogurt Lite, (Be careful for they also make other types that have sugar) is tasty.
   — Jeannet

February 28, 2001
I was told to keep my sugar intake to 6 grams per serving or less. I drink Crystal Light, Sugar-free Kool-aid, flavored de-caff ice-tea, flavored watered, or anything with fewer and 6 grams sugar. Splenda is a great new sweetner that you can try too, if you want to sweetener up somethings.
   — Kristy J.

February 28, 2001
Diet Ice Botanicals, Fruit2O, sugar free Tang, decaf tea, to add a few more.
   — vitalady

March 1, 2001
Ocean Spray now has low calorie cranberry drinks sweetened w/splenda. Also Langers Low Cal Grapefruit Juice sweetened w/splenda. Both very tasty & make a nice change from water. Great in the mornings to wash down those vitamins with.
   — Lori_B

August 24, 2001
Try any of the vitamin waters yet? Propel is great!
   — Jo-Anne C.

August 24, 2001
I would also like to recommend the low calorie V-8 splash. I enjoy the berry blend. Just be sure it is the low calorie as the regular must be sugar water for all the sugar. Good Luck!
   — Andrea P.

August 24, 2001
Blue Bunny (yes, it is the company who makes WONDERFUL icecream) has a fat free, sugar free yogurt. I have found it at my Super Wal-Mart. They have 19 different flavors. I also drink Diet Snapple (I have only found two flavors: Cranberry Raspberry and Orange Carrot) on occassion when I feel the desire for something other than water. I couldn't STAND the orange carrot but LOVE the Cranberry Raspberry. Of course, I do drink Crystal Light and decaf tea... but find that I crave water more than anything these days (which is TRULY funny since I would definitely reach for a Diet Dr Pepper or any other type of carbonated beverage before the surgery.)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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