No luck, still stuck :(

I posted on 3/20. That morning I took an Allegra-D 24 hr pill. It stuck somewhere on the way down. I tried warm tea, hot tea, cold water, cold tea, coke, chicken broth, you name it I tried it. No luck, still stuck. I called my doctor that same day and he suggested all of the above. Now, 12 days later I called him back. We both put one of the pills in a cup of water last week to see what it would do. The outer pill melted after 3 days and inside was another whole pill a little larger than a Bayer asprin. I covered it with water last week and nothing, it is still whole and so hard you can't even break it with a fork. I poured off the water and covered it with straight coke, still whole. I called the dr back today and he told me to pour out the coke, cover it with water again and add meat tenderizer. So that is what I did. I will check my little science project tomorrow. Mean while I am on Slim-Fast, tomato soup and chicken broth, YUK. The dr says my best bet is to try to wash it through. I go back to him on 4/10 and if it is still there he will schedule a scope. To make a long story short, too late, don't take an Allerga-D 24 hr.    — Tawnda C. (posted on April 1, 2008)

April 1, 2008
oh man- so sorry to hear your still having problems. but what concerns me, is i don't beleive it is stuck. why hasen't your doc. called you in for an x-ray? you could have inflamation, or something could really be wrong. please try to get an x-ray. also--honey it is NOTgood to be taking Allerga-D if you need something in this field, try getting one that is immediate relief. just couldn't imagine what your going through.. please call him back...Good luck to you......
   — kimcrain

April 1, 2008
OMG!!!! That is horrible!!!! Hopefully it will work it's way through.
   — Carlyn M.

April 1, 2008
Hey - don't take Allegra. Actually, don't take any pill you don't chew first.
   — 29Diesel

April 1, 2008
Ask your Dr about taking papaya enzyme, I bought some from GNC but you can buy it from Walmart as well for a couple of bucks, I've read on here where people chew a couple of them when food gets stuck and it helps them. I've taken several and it seemed to relieve my gas but I've never had anything stuck. I'm sorry you're having to go through this, I'm praying for you. God Bless, Debi
   — DEBI R.

April 1, 2008
How awful, sorry you are having such trouble. Your body digests things much differently than ordinary water and the other liquids mentioned. I have one medication I take daily and I still use a butter knife to divide it up into smaller pieces to avoid having this same problem. So far I've not had any problems with taking anything. Check with your doctor about using an allergy product like Alavert, it desolves in your mouth. Please be careful and take care, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

April 1, 2008
OMIGOD! You poor thing...I chew those allergy pills...They taste okay...I was going to mention papaya too (someone else did already)...My Nut told me to buy them...And I still use them 4 years later when I get something stuck or eat too fast...They have natural enzymes that work like saliva to break down food faster... You must be going insane! I can't believe you surgeon is letting this go on. At this point'd think that thing would have disolved by now though. Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

April 1, 2008
Had the same experience- went to the Dr.- they emptied my band- I drank a glass of water and they put the fluid back- unstuck. Maybe you could suggest this? It literally took less than 10 min.- good luck- Marlayna
   — MWiley

April 1, 2008
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. You might try, next time, using a pill splitter to cut your medicine up. Not just so it doesn't get stuck, but because if you have an RNY the pill will pass through without dissolving fully. You won't get the benefits of a 24 hour med because it won't stay in your sytem long enough. I take many pills and always cut them in halve or in fourths before I take them. I hope this helps. Good luck! Kim
   — kcox1960

April 1, 2008
I want to know why your on slim fast????
   — Joanc

April 2, 2008
Sorry to hear you are still having problems. First, don't take time release drugs if you had a RNY because they will go right through you and not work. I am sure your docotor told you that now, but your test show how hard a time release can be. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 2, 2008
why is your surgeon taking so long to have you scope'd? I had something stuck for 4 days (happened on a Thurs) and Sunday the surgeon called the GI doc and had me set up for a scope on MOnday. How are you dealing with it so long? It was the most difficult time since I had the surgery; very uncomfortable and couldn't eat anything as it made me puke. Good luck. Hey; can you push your appointment up from the 10th so he can schedule you for a scope? Gosh, I sure feel for you. Good Luck and yes, no Allerga-D for me.
   — hatda

April 2, 2008
Several people have suggested cutting or breaking up the Allegra-D, but it is a timed release medication and you're not supposed to do that. Switch to something that isn't 24 hour/timed release. I had a similar problem with Allegra-D prior to surgery - it would pass directly through my system whole and plainly visible in the toilet. I know - TMI!
   — blues-singer

April 2, 2008
Thanks everyone for the in-put. I love the moral support offered on this site. No one else I know can relate to what we go through. This thing with the stuck pill has been my only set back. I am drinking the Slim-Fast for the protein and I am going to GNC today to try the papaya enzyme. And yes it is really the pill, I know this because the one in the cup is still whole, even with the meat tenderizer. It still won't even break apart when I try to chop it. I am going to ask my surgeon if he can have the manufacture of Allegra put in a warning for bypass patients. The bottle says "do not chew or crush".
   — Tawnda C.

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