stretch pouch rny by pass surgery on sept 22 2009

if it possible to stretch your pouch please give me some info in order not to do this what are the major things that i should not be doing and to look for i dont want this to happen to me    — goal100 (posted on October 24, 2009)

October 24, 2009
Some people who have had this surgery sometimes complain about their 'little pouch' stretching. This is not the case. In most cases, the patient has taken one too many bites, 'the fifth bite' and had pain in their new stomach. In order to get away from that pain and instead of reducing their bites to the recommended 'FOUR', they have returned to eating the mushy foods that are prohibited. The mushy food is consumed and the nerves in the little pouch never feel the sensation of fullness, the mushy food squeezes out into the intestines and the patient feels hungry once again. Therefore, the pouch never stretching. Be very compliant to what your doctor requires of you. If you listen to the doc, everything should be just fine.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 24, 2009
Just be careful you are still healing. eat like a two year old for 8 weeks! Then a four year old for 8 more weeks. remember protein first. It will make you feel full fast!
   — lesleigh07

October 24, 2009
Follow your doctor's instructions to the letter. They know from experience what's best for you. Don't listen to what other patients tell you. If something goes wrong it will be your doctor you will turn to in order to try and fix the problem not those who told you that you could just do whatever.
   — rkurquhart

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