Suggestions on keeping a diary for post op plastic surgery?

I am 7 mo post op and lost over 100 lbs. When I visited my RYN Dr. for my last check up, he suggested I keep a diary about issues for my overhanging skin on my belly. Does anyone have any suggestions or know exactly what the insurance company looking for? I really don't have issues with infections on my belly but have more issues with my vaginal area and I don't know if that is related. Can you please help!    — Lauren M. (posted on March 24, 2010)

March 24, 2010
This may sound crazy, but try calling your insurance company and asking them what documentation you need. If they are like mine, they will tell you. It would make ever so much easier on you. Hope this helps. Jane
   — Jane W.

March 24, 2010
First off, congrats on the weight loss. Good job! I think it's a good idea to call the insurance company also but I would think that any physical restriction or illness that interferes with your quality of life is notable. You may not have rashes/infections right now but warmer weather is coming. I would be surprised if you don't have them as it is very difficult to not have moisture trapped between folds of skin and that's when bacteria forms to cause the rash. Even if you can clear them up yourself with over the counter creams or powders, seeing your doctor for it will be beneficial to your case for plastic surgery by proving it is a chronic situation that won't resolve permanently with normal, non-surgical treatment. It's often recommended to take pictures to back up written documentation. You can do this yourself. Perhaps you should see a GYN as well. Sexual physical well being is as important as other conditions and diseases, plus that type of doctor would be trained more specifically for those situations. Lastly, you may want to post on the plastic surgery forum as well since the folks over there have been down this road already. I'm sure they can be a world of help. Good luck on your continuing journey.
   — Arkin10

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