Have you ever requested a letter from your internist to be mailed to your insurance ?

My internist gave me the name of a surgeon who preformed wls. Without this information I wounldn't have known anyone who could do a revision for me. Knowing that getting approval from my insurance company will be difficult I called my internist's office and requested a letter from him stating my co-morbs. and diet history etc. To my amazement they told me that it would cost $50.00 or more for such a letter, I just about fell over, thats more than what I pay to see him in person. Their reasoning being that it would take time out of his busy day to look at my chart and dictate a letter into a recorder. Has this happened to anyone else out there? This sounds really strange to me but maybe it is just their policy and I have never heard of it before.    — Patricia A. (posted on October 18, 1999)

October 18, 1999
Not to sound flip..WOW that's cheap mine cost $100.00, however, did included a physical.
   — Victoria B.

October 18, 1999
My doctor examined me, and sent the letter to the insurance for no fee.
   — texasweb

October 18, 1999
If your PCP believes that you need this surgery for health reasons then s/he shouldn't charge to help you get approval. However, I'm sure that after your surgical consult the surgeons office will request your records and send a similar letter to insurance, so it really may be a duplication of effort.
   — Morgan B.

October 18, 1999
I've worked in a doctor's office before and I know how these things, when I needed to get a letter from my physican for the insurance company I wrote down everything I wanted him to say in the letter, made an appointment to see him and we discussed the letter at that time. This gave me plenty of time to convey the type of letter I needed and it gave us a chance to discuss it instead of trying to get my point across by leaving messages, etc.
   — Kellie L.

October 18, 1999
Our doctor charges $25 to write the letter to your insurance company for surgery. They pore over all your files, picking out those items that are due to our obesity, as well as the actualy interview and physical. That seems almost cheap for the work they have to do! But my arthritis doctor wanted $25 to write a letter to the insurance company justfiying a $14 blood test he did. Now THAT seemd outrageous. I paid the lab, didn't pay him! A referral letter seems normal. Many just scribble it onto a prescription pad! To go to your insurance, THE Letter, OK, $50 is high but do-able, but just to start the ball rolling? My GP did his letter for free!
   — vitalady

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