What kinds of problems got you plastic surgery

I have had my tummy tuck. I would like to have my arms and legs done. What types of problems were reasons people were able to have the surgery. I seem to have good insurance since they have covered everything. I want to be prepared though incase they don't want to pay for anything more.    — NikkiKing (posted on April 8, 2007)

April 8, 2007
Hey--my insurance wouldn't pay for ANY plastic surgeries! I had to take out a $20,000 loan and go to the training hospital and let the students do it (supervised by a real surgeon ofcourse), I am pleased with my results--the top intern now has his own practice and asked to use my before/after pics to promote his business:) I just want you to be aware of what all these surgeries do to your body. I am severly anemic now--I had 2 plastic surgeries in a year, and last year I had a baby (got pregnant only 4 months after my last plastic surgery). I can barely get up enough energy to go to work sometimes--and I feel like my baby suffers because her mommie is unable to get out and do things with her!! Just be careful!! And space your surgeries out better than I did.

April 9, 2007
First of all, do you need an abdominoplasty or a panniculectomy? They are both commonly called a tummy tuck (A term I detest.) Next, have you read the summary plan description of your insurance plan? It is not a matter of what "they want" to cover - it's a matter of dollars and cents and what the employer who pays for the plan wants to cover. So don't blame the insurance company! If your plan excludes coverage of plastic surgery, you might have to work a little harder to come up with a reason to get it covered - which won't be easy. It is very hard to get arms, breasts, thighs or other parts that need surgery covered, because there is rarely a medical necessity for that.
   — koogy

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