I had the Vertical Sleeve Surgery in June, 2008 and I lost 80 lbs

I recently feel that my old appetite is coming back and I want to graze all day. I crave sweets and I know this is really bad. I have gained 10 lbs back and really starting to worry. My goal was to lose 100 lbs and never did make that goal. Help!!!!    — Ramo8082 (posted on March 18, 2010)

March 18, 2010
I hear ya, altho I have lost 122 pounds, my surgery was July of 08 and also had the sleeve, I seem to be grazing all day too and eating the wrong foods, but if i try eating grilled porkchops, chix, or just the healthy foods, i just about gag after eating about 3/4's of it and I feel like I am really not full. I know I have issues and I need to take care of them, but I am not gaining any weight and my lab work has all been great. If you would like to email me and we can talk and maybe figure something out, I would be happy to [email protected]
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 19, 2010
I'm only five months out, so I don't know all the questions, let alone the answers. I do know that carbs (bread, pasta, etc as opposed to sweets) have been an addiction for me throughout my life. Consuming them creates a vicious cycle of consumption, hunger & cravings and more consumption. Do you need to take two weeks to detox yourself of carbs? Good luck.
   — shorter

March 20, 2010
I don't have any answers because I am not your doctor, but, I am only 11 months post op the gastric sleeve and I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago and he asked if I was ready to do the second part of the surgery. So if you are not happy with the weight loss you have had then by all means talk to your doctor. I have loss since my surgery70 pounds and still losing it slowly. But I am eating high protein and I get very full and my fullness last because of me eating my protein 1st. Yes I cheat if I see something that I think I miss the taste of but one bite does the trick and the majority of the time I realize that it isn't the taste I was looking for.....Good luck Always Liz
   — joy2others2

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