Help me please I've gained 36lbs in the last yr

4ys ago I had a ryn I was 290lbs and lost 160lbs. In the last yr I have gain 36lbs. I'm totally out of control. I wk on a bariactric unit and people are commenting all the time on my weight gain. I have never excerised and I know that I need to. What the status on weight gain after a few yrs out. Can anybody out there help me. I feel like such a failure and a loser. I have only one pair of pant that fit and I refuse to buy more. pls help    — KAREN J. (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 29, 2003
Make sure that your surgery is intact. If it is, then there's a story in the pouch rules of a woman who gained all her weight back, but after returing faithfully to the rules, lost it all again. Here's the site for the "pouch rules":
   — mom2jtx3

December 29, 2003
Karen, I suggest you go to the California OH message board and post that you are looking for a workout buddy. Maybe having a little extra support will help you get back on board. You have come so far. You can do this. Ann in TX
   — Ann B.

December 29, 2003
This has come up a number of times at our local support group meetings. The common thing with most that have regained is that they are eating carbs and sugar and not exercising. Some have found it helpful to go back to the basics, starting out on liquids (protein shakes) like when they were a newly post op, then progressing to soft then normal foods. They make protein their first choice, drink lots of water, no high carbs or sugar, and yes, exercise. I hope you get the weight off. We are rooting for you to win.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 30, 2003
From things I have read, one of the most common failures of RNY and weight gain is Staple Line Disruption (SLD). Maybe, you should go see your doctor and find out. Or, maybe go back to square one, protein, fluids, low carb, low fat, low sugar diet, and exercise.
   — Shari M.

December 30, 2003
Karen your profile hasn't been updated in years. It helps us to help you if we have recent info on you..for instance what do you eat, how often, how much, snacking, water? You already admitted you don't exercise... A good question to ask yourself since you are 4 years out and have gained 36 pounds in just the past year, is what are you doing differently this past year that you did not do the year before? If you have absolutely done nothing differently then I would have your mechanics checked out. But usually the answer is right in front of us-we are eating more, taking in too many carbs and calories and not exercising/burning it off. Here is another thought...I don't know how tall you are, but have you considered that 130 pounds might be too small for you? By adjusting your goal weight upwards, say 140 or 150 pounds, it allows you to take in more calories to maintain that higher weight. I purposely stopped losing when I got to a size 10 because I love to eat and while I could have achieved 130 pounds, which would be a size 6-8 for me, I knew I'd have problems maintaining. Anyways, there is alot you can do now to turn this around-you still have that wonderful tool and the first thing that comes to mind is to start exercising. Heart pumping cardio is what boosts the metabolism and burns those calories more efficiently. You can do this-its taking back control one small step, and one pound at a time. And please, update the profile!!
   — Cindy R.

December 30, 2003
Several things leap to mind. One would be the SLD, as mentioned. Another would be a program that doesn't work for you. Another might be that your surgery was "too proximal" for your particulr body. The long term stats for proximal RNY is more like 50-65% of excess, which would mean that you did far better than average. So, you have to rule out the failure & loser parts. You might want to pop onto the Grad list and check with others who are experiencing some wt gain. Some will say it's exercise, others will say we need to diet strenusously again, I'm a big fan of adjusting ourselves nutritionally. However, if you are SLD, all of the above is moot. Here's the link:
   — vitalady

December 30, 2003
Karen, Should you decide to start exercising I've heard alot of good things about "Curves for Women". It seems they have a routine that takes about 30 minutes & set to music. I have yet to have my surgery (2-1/2 weeks) so am just going by what I've heard. Please try to get to the bottom of this as you have worked way too hard to have this happen now. Good Luck!!
   — squeejlueej

January 1, 2004
hi i weigh myself everyday because i want to keep tabs on it even though they tell me not to. i join a healthclub and i go between 3-5 days a week and if the weather is bad out i stay home and exercise to a tape but i try to keep that moving. i dont drink all the water that i should and i had my surgery 18 mos ago and i am down 125lbs after i lost my 100 anything after that i really had to work for and i mean exercise a lot good luck write me back if you would like rosemary

January 11, 2004
i am 5 yrs post op i had an open rny i was a compulsive overeater and i have maintained 150 lb loss however this year too much stress and being unfocussed and the holidays i gained 15 pounds and am pannicing but it can come off with alittle better eating in my opinion thats what i am trying and hoping for sincerly laurie
   — lauriegrizzard

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