how much weight lost doing the first week

i am only a week post-op and lost 17lbs is that normal.    — JANIECEMOM (posted on July 31, 2008)

July 31, 2008
I'll like to know the answer to that question. I'm 8 days post-op and lost only 8lbs. I got weighted at the doctor's office. We both are waiting to hear the answer.
   — Toby2

July 31, 2008
I had Rny on 1/16/08 and all I can say is..Don't worry it will fall off when you least expect it. As a matter of fact you are probably losing weight right now! 17lbs..thats alot of weight. You should be happy with losing 17lbs in a week or 8lbs in a week also. I think its completely normal and keep up the good work. Someone told me this awhile ago so I am going to pass it along to you.."It's not a race, we are all winners"!
   — Shopgrl714

July 31, 2008
By my first post op check at three weeks, I had lost a whooping 5 pounds! Talk a bout shocking. But now I'm on par with others who had surgery that day. We are all different. You may lose fast at first and then hit a three week plateau, or you may lose it more regularly and slowly. We are all different that way. But if we stay with the plan, we will all lose the weight. Keep up the good work. Laura
   — waterlover

July 31, 2008
thank you all. i am following my plan to the fullest. and it has been a very hard week.

July 31, 2008
I lost 12lbs the first 6 days after RNY and I haven't lost a pound since (another week out). So yeah I think it's perfectly normal. Ask dr. though to be safe, always.
   — k4rizz421

July 31, 2008
Everyone is different. I dropped like GANGBUSTERS for the first two months and then my body finally figured out that SOMETHING was going on and decided to HOLD ON to all of the fat! After THAT, I had to WORK for all of my weight loss. I could DO it, I just had to WORK for it. Some folks have difficulty right from the START. Part of the problem with some people is that they need to find their body's metabolism SET POINT. There is a POINT at which if you consume too little in Carbohydrates, your body holds onto it's stored fat and it takes it's own PROTEIN for energy INSTEAD. This is NOT a good thing since PROTEIN is what makes up your MUSCLES. MUSCLES are what use ENERGY. When you use ENERGY, you are burning the stored FAT, and you are losing WEIGHT. So, burning the PROTEIN instead of the stored FAT is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE. When your body takes the PROTEIN from itself, it does NOT discriminate, it will take it from your HEART as quickly as it will from your LEG muscles, so this is also a danger to your HEALTH since it can WEAKEN your cardiovascular system. It is in everyone's best interest to see a certified nutritionist (one that has gone to COLLEGE and has a DEGREE in Nutrition and NOT someone that just CLAIMS to be a nutritionist) and have then do a work up on your diet and assist you in creating a diet plan for YOU that will serve to maximize your weight loss potential. A certified nutritionist will CALCULATE how much protein you will need and how many carbohydrates you will need to avoid triggering your body's metabolism set point and allow you to lose weight at your maximum rate SAFELY. To answer your question: It is normal for SOME people, NOT for EVERYONE. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

July 31, 2008
I'm a "newbie" here...but saved a post from someone a few weeks ago... "this isn't a's a journey of a lifetime...and you've just left the gate..." I'm still waiting on my date...but I'd think 8 lbs. or 17 lbs. in only one week would be awesome ?!?! Sounds to me like you're both doing a great job... "Patience Ladies, Patience" !! ;-))
   — debz_58

August 1, 2008
I think this is different for everyone I am one week out today and have lost exactly 25lbs which kindof scares me because I am still swollen so I didn't think I would have lost anything. But my MD told me that I had a higher amount of muscle tome to begin with which will help me lose weight quicker in the beginning. He did caution me though just like one of the previous posts to make sure I get my protein in NO MATTER WHAT because my body may be burning fat right now but once those protein stores are gone is will start burning my protein from wherever it can. So just be careful and congrats on your new life. Jackie
   — RN2B2009

August 2, 2008
Hi I'm a new. I'm 2 weeks out and lost 20lbs so far.everyone is diffrent. we may all loose at diffrent rates but in the end we all loose.
   — cristytwins

August 2, 2008
I had RNY GB on 7/21/08 and have lost 32 lbs as of this morning. Last Thursday (3 days post-op) I was 8 lbs heavier than my pre-op weight from Monday. I think like the others here said, every body is different. My Dr said not to start freaking out over the scale, it all depends on keeping well-hydrated and getting adequate protein. Your body will level itself out. Good Luck!
   — JenStock1970

August 3, 2008
Julia, I lost 24lbs in my first six days post-op, then only lost six pounds over the next two weeks after that. My surgeon wasn't concerned that I had lost too much - part of what I had learned from him was that I could expect that ... They pretty much all say that you lose the most in the beginning and then as you get further out from surgery, it slows down.
   — lauren_marie

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