how much water should I really be drinking?

I know that I should be drinking at least 1 qt. of water daily, but I'm having a hard time doing it ok? do any of you have the same problem? I also can't get used to drinking anything 1 hr. after my meals, and I feel guilty. Please help    — izzy (posted on June 26, 2003)

June 26, 2003
Hi, I'm 2months out and had open RNY. I don't get the recommended 64oz of fluids in per day but I do get anywhere from 24-48oz a day with no side effects yet. Your shakes count as fluids too from what I understand. Best of luck to you.
   — Kim J.

June 26, 2003
i'm a little over 2 months post op and i drink a minimum of 60 oz/day. most days i drink considerably more. i find that if i keep a water bottle at my side at all times, it's not that hard to get in what i need. as for not drinking with or after meals, i was told it's ok to take the occasional sip or two if you need it with your meal or after eating.
   — carolsaunders

June 26, 2003
I drink at least 64 ounces a day and usually closer to 90. I only wait 30 minutes after eating to drink. It is very important that you do this - no need to feel guilty but for your health, this is important. Drink as much as you can and work up to the 64 ounces. I NEVER drink plain water - can't swallow it. I drink Crystal Light or Country Time Lemonade (SF). Anything you drink that is decaf counts toward your liquid, including protein drinks.
   — Patty_Butler

June 26, 2003
I am 18 months post op, and I had a hard time at first, too. I just did the best I could, carried a bottle of liquid with me constantly, and sipped, sipped, sipped! Now, I can down a 4 oz. glass of liquid (light liquid, not milk or protien shakes) pretty easily. Just drink as much as you can, whenever you can! I take a bottle of Snapple Diet Air or Propel water to bed with me, even! LOL!! I end up drinking about 24 oz. during the night! :~) Every swallow counts!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 27, 2003
I never really stopped drinking with meals. It was the only way I could get in enough fluids. It also never affected my weightloss. I lost 100 lbs in 6 months.
   — mandajuice

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