4 years post op weight gain and can not lose!

I am 4 years post op and have lost 100 pounds and have maintained the same weight for 3 years. The last few months I have gained 14 pounds and have not been able to lose it or any weight for that matter. I have gone back to the basics and have been exercising every day, cardio, walking, weights, you name it I am doing it. My weight has been the same everyday. I have a isopure protein shake twice a day and a fat free yogurt once a day with 1 up of cottage cheese, and for dinner a small chicken breast with veggies. Please help. I know this must be a very long plateau but I can't get off of it. I have had all labs done and I am 100% healthy with no problems at all. My doctor says I should get off this plataeu soon but it has been 2 months and I am still the same weight. Any suggestions on how to overcome this plateau? Should I do protein shakes for a week? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.    — stillfighting (posted on March 21, 2006)

March 21, 2006
Are you eating and drinking at the same time? Are you taking your vitamins? Are you on any medication with weight gain as a site effect? Are you drinking sodas? You must be doing something wrong and you don't know what it is yet. Start writing down every thing that goes in your mouth. see if you are missing anything. Good luck. I hope I was able to help you Dani
   — Dani96

March 21, 2006
I know it really feels that I am doing something to make my body not lose the weight. I have been taking all my vitamins daily, gave up soda years ago, and if I drink it I only drink diet coke and it would be maybe once every 6 months or so. But I have been good about soda. Don't drink while I eat and I can still only eat a little amount. No snacking on bad foods and no sweets. I have been doing so good. I had my labs taken last week and my doctor just called to tell me that everything was perfect and I was good. Just don't know where to go from here...
   — stillfighting

March 21, 2006
You did not say how old you are. I am 3 years post op, and I have gained 10 lbs in the last 6 months, and as you, I have been really watching everything, good labs. Excercising, and no soda and not drinking for 30 minutes after eating. But, I am 54 y/o and right in the middle of menopause, and come to find out, women usually gain around 10 lbs during that time. I am staying with the basics and excercising, but I think I may eat more to try and trick my body into thinking it does not have to store any fat. I drink a protein shake every morning, and still put protein bars into my daily routine, I don't want to lose that protein.
   — cindy

March 21, 2006
I don't have an answer for you but I actually came to these boards for the same reason. I've gained 15lbs. I'm almost three years out and I've tried upping my exercise and watching what I eat. I know I'm not eating more than I used to. The response about Menopause hit a nerve cause at 50 I'm going through that also. I'm getting so depressed though. My clothes are tight and I feel like the whole world knows I've gained weight. I'm hoping better weather will help, I'm a biker and maybe getting outside and riding will help. Just hang in there, maybe we'll find some answers together! Kath
   — Sunsky

March 21, 2006
At three years when I had my bounce back I gained about 20 lbs over a couple of months. At the onset of the gain I cut calories and worked out constantly to no avail. I pretty much gave up after a month or two, nothing was working! However, after a little bit, 10lbs came back off on its own and it became easier to lose. This is just what happened to me. Rebecca
   — RebeccaP

March 21, 2006
Laura: How and what were you eating just prior to this weight gain? And also, is what you mentioned in your post everything that you are eating for a whole day? If so, perhaps your body has gone into starvation mode, and is holding on to the weight because you aren't eating enough. How much and at what intensity are you working out? Maybe you're overdoing that as well. I don't know for sure, just some thoughts. I have seen many other posts from people who were "stuck" on a plateau and when they increased their calories (with good choices of course) they began to lose. Best wishes.
   — Carlita

March 22, 2006
Did you have your TSH levels checked? I gained seven pounds almost overnight and it turned out to be thyroid out of balance.
   — scbabe

March 22, 2006
sounds like that dreaded three year wall. Some people hit it earlier, some later. It was 3 1/2 years for me....I stayed basically underweight for all that time, and I was fine with it. All of a sudden, out of the blue, 40 lbs hit me like a ton of bricks. I hate it when someone says it is something I did...that's what I have heard all my life...and it just ain't true! I was doing the exact thing to maintain my weight loss as I had done to lose it. I'm 63, so cannot blame menopause for it, but just figure my body wants to weigh this amount, and I've given up trying to lose anymore. I found the only way I could actually lose weight was to only do protein shakes one day, and eat one small meal with my protein shakes the following day. Every other day, I allowed myself a bit of normal food, not sugar....not high carb stuff...just normal. I have good restriction, and I am a distal bypass. The body does what it has to to regulate itself...and I guess it just isn't in my genes to be a skinny person. It sure was easier on my joints though, let me tell you! I'm told I look better, more healthy now than before, but my joints and bones tell me otherwise. But sure beats where I came from. I'm still down over 150 lbs from where I started, and I can't cry about that. I just have to listen to my body, and understand now that I have it in submission somewhat, that I can trust what it tells me. That was never the case preGBS. Just my 2 cents worth of experience. Regards~
   — Statuesque

April 23, 2006
Laura try changing the food you eat for a week, for another kind of healthy food. Put your body in shock, also change the exercise you do. Sorry my english is very bad, but sometimes the metabolism need a change. Hugs and good luck Adriana
   — adriakon

April 9, 2008
Hello everyone, this is Lucy W. I am also 4 plus years out and all of a sudden I am gaining weight and this is causing me serious depression I DON'T WANT TO BE FAT EVER AGAIN! but what I have not heard/read is how to get back on track. I have stopped diet sodas, sweets, chips and so forth so what is going on ? all my labs came back as yours did great; i am going through menopause will the weight ever change back I have gained 26 lbs in 8 months!! some body help!
   — lucywhittle3755

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