How long after Panniculectomy did you return to work?

Starting process with Barix to get approved for skin removal. Wanted insight on how long I'm gonna be off work if I get approved. Starting wheels in motion don't want to get hopes up but still I'm nervous.    — kristiegarcia (posted on July 27, 2006)

July 27, 2006
Generally it is usually 4-6 weeks. Each patient is different, but that is the average. It depends on you and how well you heal, tolerate pain, your energy level etc. I would expect at least 6 weeks off. Good luck to you. ~ Kristee
   — Kristee

July 31, 2006
I had an abdominoplasty, so lots of "muscle work" done and I was off work for 4 weeks. I couldn't stand up straight until about week 2.
   — koogy

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