Sometimes I feel a knot in my left side what is this?

I feel like a knot in my left side sometime?It doesn't hurt it is just something I feel with my hand around the incision.I had RNY on Feb 18,What could this be is it normal?    — davonjack (posted on March 5, 2010)

March 5, 2010
I had the same pain and thought terrible thoughts, so of course the good girl I am ran to the Dr., he said it was normal. I would see your Dr.
   — FSUMom

March 6, 2010
I had the same pain as well - above and near the "big" incision. It lasted until about 2 1/2 months postOp. I did check in with my surgeon to make sure everything was ok and you should too. Just because the rest of us were ok, don't assume you shouldn't listen to your body and have it checked out for your own peace of mind. If your surgeon is like most, he/she has encouraged you to call with any questions, concerns and especially with ANY pain! Good luck - congratulations on your the start of your journey.
   — Diane324

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