Four weeks post-op and feeling fatigued and pained...

When can I expect to feel somewhat "normal"? I am four weeks post op and am still very fatigued. My low energy level is preventing me from being focused and productive at work, to which I have just returned part-time. My pouch feels raw, and even sips of water produce serious belching. As a result, I am struggling with my fluid intake and food intake in general. I am taking my vitamins but feel as though I am slowly starving. As well prepared as I thought I was for this surgery, I did not anticipate as many low points as this. Please help.    — purses4me (posted on March 10, 2006)

March 10, 2006
Hi Julie, I am now 9 1/2 months post op. I can remember feeling very tired for about 7 weeks then I was able to start eating normal again. It is very hard to eat and drink at first because everything is so different about your body. I promise you it iwll get better.Don't give up!!! I have lost 89 pounds and feel wonderful so it really is all worth it in the end. If you have anymore questions please contact me. You can check out my profile. Hang in there and keep taking those vitamins to.JoAnn
   — tweetyjo64

March 10, 2006
Julie, Hang in there. The first month or two is the hardest. After that you will slowly work back to your former energy level. By six months you will feel normal again. It was around the 3rd week I started to question why I did this. Now I am 18 months post op and lost 100 pounds. I went from a size 22 to a size 10 in one year. There is nothing like going from the plus side of the store to the other regular side of the store. It's worth it.
   — smparker2

March 10, 2006
Hi Julie, Yes, it does get better, however, if you really think you might have a stricture of some kid call your doctor. He or she is the one to tell you if everthing is o.k. Do not wait. If you are unable to eat or drink you might have a problem. It is hard in the beginning to eat or drink, but it does get easier. You might also try some warm liquid not hot, but see if that goes down better than cold water. You have to get water into your system. & are you still eating soft or pureed foods. You should be. Hange in There Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

March 10, 2006
I've read several other peoples responses and they all said it takes about 6 weeks to recouperate from the surgery. I'm 6 weeks out and feeling better. I get a boost when I do the B12 injections. If you haven't done one, try it. I had problems keeping things down. My 2 best bets were cottage cheese and watered down Old El Pasco fat free refried beans eaten very slowly.
   — LaurieH

March 11, 2006
It took me almost exactly 7 weeks to feel "normal", although some days are still better than others. I feel good and have loads of energy. The body does adjust to this new eating style. The healing can take between 3-5 months and you'll have good days and bad.......with the good outnumbering the bad around week 7. Hang in there......
   — LauraA

March 11, 2006
You are feeling exactly the way I did and it will get better. You are too early post-op. My energy level did not pick up well for about six to eight weeks. You will not be able to get all your fluids in right now and you will also feel full just taking your vitamins. This too will get better. Just hang in a little longer, you are going to get there. It is true, you can read and study three years (which is what I did) and until you actually have the surgery and go through it, you do not realize how difficult it really is. People were so supportive with me, continue to post and ask your questions. You will be fine. Let us know how much you are losing. I will be four months out March 17, and am down 105 pounds. Becky
   — blm4602

March 11, 2006
Call your Dr and let him know tat you are not able to focus and you still tierd. Maybe you need to stay at home for another 2 weeks. Some people require to stay at home for 6 weeks some other for 8 weeks. Every body is different. Some us heel slower then other. However it will get better and your new pouch will adjust to it's new style of digesting. Now remember not to drink and to eat at the same time. I hope you feel better soon Dani
   — Dani96

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