I am 9 weeks out.....

and I have lost 34 pounds.....( woohoo ) but I feel I am losing VERY slowly. I am working out, getting my protein and water..... Am I doing something wrong? Is there something else I could do? I am working out 5 days a week......I just don't get it. Thanks in advance.......    — angie_dawn (posted on January 11, 2008)

January 11, 2008
hi angela, first of all congrats on your weight loss!! good job. i can almost bet you a diet coke lol that all of the answers that will be coming your way, will be- to be patient, it will happen!! i was kinda the same way, just when i thought i wasent, i had dropped 45 lbs!! i am just in the young stages of my exercising, and so you probably do more than me. my guess is that we all have different bodies, and some of us have slower, or faster metabolism. but for whatever the reason, hang in there, it will come off before you know. congrats. good luck... and take care
   — kimcrain

January 11, 2008
Hey Angie, We are almost neighbors. I live in Whitney. I am 10 weeks out and have lost 35 pounds and I think I'm doing great. I guess it is all a matter of how you see it. I am thrilled! Hang in there girl. It is coming off, that is the important thing. Pat
   — pjennjr

January 11, 2008
hi, I do not believe you are losing slow. Ia m 7 months out and have lost 82 pounds so sounds like you are doing fine.
   — Alvernlaw

January 11, 2008
Sounds like your on track to me. Keep up the good work
   — Crickett_1

January 12, 2008
You're doing fine. Something the other posters didn't mention, I noticed your BMI was only 46.5. That would put you in the "lightweight" category which could account for what you feel is a "slow" loss. Look at it this way, when was the last time you dropped 34 lbs? Enjoy it, be patient, and keep doing what you're doing! Good luck and God bless!
   — crystalsno

January 12, 2008
Looks like you got a bunch of great advice. Thirty-four pounds is a great weight loss. Have you ever been able to lose that fast before? Probably not!! :) You probably feel like you are loosing slowly based on what you've read about other people's weight loss. That would only work if everyone started at the same weight... we all lose at different rates and those with more to lose usually lose faster. If you want to compare 2 people's weight loss, then you need to convert weight loss into percentages..... for example, if someone weighs 300lbs, and loses 30lbs in a month, that would be equivalent to someone who is 200lbs losing 20lbs in a month... both people have lost 10% of their body weight. But as I said, not everyone loses the same and it sounds like you are doing wonderfully!!! Great job.
   — mrsidknee

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