15 pounds from goal and stuck for four months

   — Tigs (posted on January 19, 2007)

January 19, 2007
it sounds like you are doing an awesome job!!! your body may just have met a weight that it's comfortable at, even though it may not be your goal it's ok, just keep up the good work and don't obcess about it! hope this helps...... holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

January 20, 2007
Sounds like you ARE the model GB patient to me! I'm only 6 months out and have lost 110lbs., but haven't done the program as religously as you; WOW!!! I can now tolerate almost everything and find myself tempted with food, the wrong ones, once ARE an inspiration! I've been told to break a plateau like this you need to go back to just liquid protein drinks and water again for about a week. You didn't mention drinking protein drinks, a requirement of 3 a day by my surgeon! Do you drink them at all? I was told our body can't absorb enough protein from just the foods we consume...You may want to look into this. Keep up the good work! Have you found that weight lifting helps with the toning process? Please respond to me directly at: [email protected] THANKS
   — zoeysgrami

January 21, 2007
I wish I could get that close to my goal! You are doing great! Your body is probably just adjusting. Change out your exercies program, or maybe increase your aerobics to 40 minutes.
   — Novashannon

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