How long were you told that you couldn't immerse your incisions?

I honestly don't remember if my doc even gave me a time frame, so I'm putting it out there - how long can I reasonably expect to stay out of the tub/pool? Mu incisions are doing great, but I live in FL an it is HOT here, and I would like to do some light swimming to take the place of some walking. OR, it would even be nice to just be able to get into the pool for a few minutes after my walk. Any insight into this would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks!    — stellarsan (posted on May 27, 2009)

May 27, 2009
Call Your Doctor and check with him It's only a phone call to make sure
   — matigian

May 27, 2009
My doc told me that I could go into the water aerobics pool at 6 weeks.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 27, 2009
They Said I could take a shower after two weeks, but check with your Doctor!
   — lesleigh07

May 27, 2009
I just got my staples out yesterday - day 9 since surgery. All my incisions are completely closed & I was cleared for tub baths. I would call my doc's office first though because pools can have bad bacteria strains that chlorine doesn't kill out.
   — Arkin10

May 28, 2009
Thanks for your answers, everyone - I did call my doc, and they just want to see what kind of condition my scars are in at this point before they clear me - not too bad, because my appt is on Monday - I can definitely wait!
   — stellarsan

May 28, 2009
my dr. let me take a bath and go into the pool after my two week apt.
   — ajrickert

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