protein confusion

if were all pusing the protein drinks and then most are also saying watch the p shakes it will later put the weight on you, it;s like were dang if we dont drink and weight if we do? please shed some light    — tstepp (posted on September 22, 2009)

September 21, 2009
protein shakes will only make you gain weight if you are eating a lot of calories a day AND drinking the protein shakes. if you are consuming a scoop of isopure in water and blending it with ice and then getting 800 calories a day in food then NO you will not gain weight. however, if you are drinking some high fat/high calorie shake AND eating 2000 calories a day... well, do the math.
   — greenpunchbuggie

September 22, 2009
In the beginning, the shakes are a great for helping you get your protein in. EVERY doctor and nutritionist that I know highly recommends them. As the months progress, you will find that if you watch what you eat (focusing on protein intake) then you will be able to get all the protein in by eating regular foods. Most people are really glad to give up those protein shakes at that point, I think. I know I was. However if you find you like them and want to continue them, just make adjustments to the amount of food you actually consume. Pay attention to your caloric intake. It's really just a matter of common sense. If you are able to eat enough to get your proteins in then there really isn't much point in bothering with the shakes, in my opinion. Everyone has to decide for themselves, though. It's really a matter of personal preference. Good luck to you!
   — PaulaJ

September 22, 2009
For me I drank more the protein shakes in the first several months after my surgery. As time has gone by and I am able to eat more "solid" proteins I find that I am drink less and less of the protein shakes. I do still eat a protein bar or two in place of a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack.
   — rkurquhart

September 22, 2009
I agree with the absolutely need it in the beginning. Then you can cut down as you eat more, but some people drink a shake in place of a meal. Much later on. I drink a small shake on days when I need to meet my protein goal. I also use them to bump up my protein if I notice my hair falling out again. I hope this sheds some light for you. Best of luck! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

September 23, 2009
By the time you notice your hair falling out from lack of protein, drinking/eating mega tons of protein will not stop that cycle of your hair falling out. It will help to slow down and eventually stop hair loss later on down the road. prevent hair loss in the first place, you must consume your protein from the very start and maintain that level forever!!!! Or your hair will fall out. BEEN THERE, HAD THAT HAPPEN, GOT A T-SHIRT! I am speaking from actual experience. I am now trying to grow my hair back. I thought I was getting in enough daily protein, 70-80 mg, but now I must consume at least 120 or more daily to keep my hair from falling out again. Everyone is different and I am sure the amount of daily protein flucuates, but, it just so happened I learned the hard way what my daily requiement was. I do not want my hair to fall out again, so I make sure I drink as many as 4 shakes a day (4 x 35 = 140). I have lost more weight by drinking more protein. Go Figure. But I don't eat alot of regular foods. I am 10 months post RNY GASTRIC BYPASS and have lost 170 lbs. MY ADVICE: get that protein in no matter what and the more the better. I really think that the more protein helps you lose more extra weight. It just melts off. Good Luck and I hope this has helped you. Drink that protein so hair does not fall out and to help in losing weight faster.Happy in Sunny FL PS. I drink Pure Protein by Worldwide, Strawberry and Cookies N Cream are my favorite. I mix them with water and my dry Unjury Protein Mix in a big jug and pour in bottles to drink all day long. Uuummm Good!!!!
   — Tina B.

September 23, 2009
Use the protien to start but transition to real food protien.
   — trible

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