Boiled peanuts- I am almost 1 month post op rny,,are these a no no?

   — JENNIFER A. (posted on November 3, 2002)

November 3, 2002
At a month postop, I was still in the "soft mushy" stage. Peanuts are a bit higher in fat than you're used to. You can always try a few, chew them really well and then wait a few hours (you probably won't want more than that anyway). I found that a dab of PB worked for me if I did that.
   — Marti R.

November 3, 2002
I had peanut on the way home from the hospital 3 days post-op - eek! I chewed them very finely. Never heard of boiled peanuts, but would think they would be even more tender. I agree with the other poster - try it and see what happens!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 3, 2002
I love boiled peanuts. Never had a problem with them. Try a few and wait a little while and see how you feel. You SHOULD be fine.
   — Kim B.

November 3, 2002
Well, now you know how to make a girl homesick, don't you??? I'm on my way to Charleston at the end of the month and plan to eat my fill of boiled peanuts!! I'm a month post-op too and actually eat dry roasted peanuts almost daily. I enjoy the crunchiness of them and they pack a good wallop of protein! My dietician is the one who recommended adding nuts to my diet around 3 weeks post-op. Of course you add everything confirm you can tolerate it. The consistency of boiled peanuts is no worse than, say, a boiled go for it and ENJOY (for me too!!!!)
   — Karen K.

November 3, 2002
Karen, that is too funny. We will also be going to Charleston at the end of the month for T-day, and I always eat my share of boiled peanuts traveling both ways!!
   — Cheri M.

November 3, 2002
Jennifer, I have no idea whay boiled peanuts are, but, I can tell you that Friday night I wasn't hungey but hadn't eaten anything in like 7 hrs, so, I had some planters dry roasted peanuts and some pecans, maybe a small handfull of each and they went down fine, but, when I got up Saturday, I have never been so sick in my life. This was the sickest I have been since having my surgery 11 wks ago...Have never had problems with peanut butter, but, no more nuts for me!
   — heathercross

November 3, 2002
Being from South Georgia, I love boiled peanuts. They have never been a problem for me except for the high salt content. I have always and still retain fluid in my hands and legs. As long as I make sure I drink plenty of water and don't over do with other salty foods, boiled peanuts are heavenly. I have a little problem digesting dry roasted peanuts or cashews, but a little works fine. I'm 18 months post-op and down to 112 from 252. Guess having boiled peanuts once in a while hasn't hurt me...Good luck.
   — Teri D.

November 4, 2002
I laughed when I saw this question. They aren't a no-no, but they're a gross-gross! I recently visited Louisiana, and some lady was selling "bold peanuts", at least that's what we thought she said. We soon found out they were BOILED peanuts and tasted like beans. ICK!
   — Goldilauxx B.

November 4, 2002
This is an easy question! Check with your diet progression from your surgeon. Many people (at least BTC patients) are on pureed diets at the 4 and 5 weeks stage, and technically boiled peanuts would be a definite no-no! You would have to wait until the beginning of week 6 for them. But again, ask your surgeon. It is much better to be safe than sorry and have to be re-operated on because you've torn something open down there.
   — Lynette B.

November 6, 2002
My surgeon was very liberal about food. I was on real food within 2 weeks. However, he did tell me no nuts and no raw hard veggies (like carrots) for at least 3 to 6 months. I started them both at 3 months, chewed them VERY well, and had no problems.
   — Kathy J.

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