has anyone had a part of their wound burst open post TT

If so how was it treated and how long did it take to heal.    — JULIE B. (posted on February 2, 2005)

February 2, 2005
I did not have this problem with my LBL, but can speak as a nurse. Having an incision open is relatively common, especially those with a lot of tension on them. A tummy tuck involves pulling skin down and it does put a lot of stress on the incision. Basic care involves keeping the wound clean and letting it heal from the inside to the outside. You may need to use saline packing if the wound is deep enough. The size of the wound and your nutritional status will dictate how fast you heal. Keep well hydrated-you lose lots of body fluid from an open wound. Increase your protein intake. Take your vitamins. Thin, straw colored drainage is not a problem but thick yellow or foul smelling drainage is a sign of infection. Call your surgeon now and for any sign of infection. Good luck. You'll love your new tummy when things get healed and the swelling is gone.
   — dianne E.

February 4, 2005
Thanks so much for such an informative answer. I am going to see the surgeon on tuesday . The incision has opened more and is now about 3 ins x 3ins, very scary indeed. the nurses are dressing it daily. The hosp have said the same as you did but i amm just scared that it will open more. thanks Julie
   — JULIE B.

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