I would like to hear from patients that are at goal and did not have plastic surgery.

Where you able to firm up with exercise? How much of it is a problem? Did you start exercising from Day 1? Please share whatever else may be helpful. Thanks!    — sands43 (posted on March 4, 2010)

March 4, 2010
I am at my personal goal. I got to goal, but gained 7lbs and it looks like that is where my body wants to stay. Yes I have worked hard since day one. I have even run 2 5Ks. As hard as I have been working I still have the discomfort of extra skin on my thighs. I have to wear tight running pants so it does not rub. It is a lot tighter that it was. I worked very hard to tighted my "granny grabbers", but on November 25th I tore my rotator cuff (in my shoulder) and it is very painful. I have been working with an orthopedic surgeon and we are making progress, but because of this huge set back they are pretty loose. I am 45 so it really depends on your age and how much elasticity your skin still has..mine doesn't have
   — kfgates

March 4, 2010
I began from day one in the form of walking. By week 2 I was at 1/2 mile 2 times a day with 1/4 miles 2 times a day. Having a dog helps. Once my 6 weeks was up I went back to Curves and this really helps too. The walking tho is really the key. Now I walk 2 miles a day with 2 pound hand weighs and have just a little loose sking but it is shrinking every day. Hope this helps and good luck !!!!
   — karensaporito

March 4, 2010
I have reached my personal goal. It changed a little as the journey on. Originally I wanted 140 but I m happy at 145. I would like to get a breast lift but I have not done anything yet. The idea of needing surgery depends a lot on how much time you spend in the gym and how much you personally have to loose etc.
   — phyllismmay

March 4, 2010
Hi....I am 4 pounds below my surgeon's goal for me, but still 6 pounds to go before I reach my own goal. I DO have loose skin, especially on my tummy - but then, IT'S been loose since I had my children, before I gained all my weight. Back then (I'm 56, so we're talking 37 years), I didn't know about putting oils and ointments on your skin to prevent stretch marks and stuff, and both of my daughters were huge, so my belly really suffered. When I gained so much weight, it just suffered more. I thought I would have a HUGE pannis (fat apron), but as it turns out, it's not that bad. It would be nice to have a tummy tuck (if I had it removed, I might lose another 5 pounds), but I can't afford it and my insurance won't pay unless I can document (with photos and doctor's visits) constant yeast infections where the skin hangs over, needing to be treated medically with prescription drugs. I do have loose arm skin (they call it bat wings) too, but it doesn't bother me as much as the skin that hangs over the sides of my bra. I had my surgery in early March of last year, and began working out at the gym in mid-May after an epidural pain shot for severe lower back pain. I worked up to almost 2 hours of cardio - 1/2 hour on the treadmill at 3 miles per hour on the weight loss setting (where it varies the angle to simulate going up and down hills), then 1/2 hour on the stationary bike doing the random hill program at 17 miles per hour, then about 20 minutes on the elliptical (that was the hardest one for me), and finally about 1/2 an hour swimming the breast-stroke non-stop. I also worked out on the weight training machines for about 1/2 an hour, and did physical therapy exercises for about 45 all total, I was at the gym for about 3 hours. I did notice some firming of my arms, and definitely noticed firming of my tush (due, says my personal trainer, to the swimming and the elliptical). The skin on my inner thighs is still pretty loose, even with all the walking, cycling and leg presses. But you know what?? I found that when you're wearing a size 10 designer jeans, no one can tell that your legs aren't gorgeous. And I've never been one who liked sleeveless blouses anyways, so I'm good there, too. And about the tummy - well, I've found these wonderful panties, called Flexees, that Costco carries. You get 3 pair for 12.99, and they are like a panty-girdle. They hold me quite firmly, not a jiggle to be seen. Like I said, the only thing that REALLY bugs me is the loose skin below my armpit, that refuses to be stuffed into my bra and just hangs over the edge. Uggghhhh!!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 5, 2010
I have been working out at the gym, doing body-building exercises. This makes a great difference, because under all the flab were tiny little frail muscles; now I am building a nice ladies physique with a TIGHT BUM! However,I have also been using Mary Kay skincare products and they have helped to shrink my wrinkles/creases along with the weight. Now I live in England, so I am not trying to sell you anything. But I use the Miracle Set, Firming Eyecream (on my eyes, neck and cleavage!)and foundation; this even got rid of two deep creases from my "triple chin". But the new Serum +C is working on the trukey waddle! (I had three vertical folds - like a curtain - under my chin going to my chest...they are beginning to tighten up!) I've only been using this serum for 4 weeks and they say that it takes 3-4 months to get the best result. Yesterday I told my husband that we might not need to pay for cosmetic surgery. I agree with others about all the fantastic support garments that help with loose tummies, etc. Maybe we will take a cruise, instead of corrective surgery!!! Winning!
   — texasmroning

March 5, 2010
I am at goal, from 380 to 155..I am 5'11 and let me tell you, I have lose skin everywhere.. Stomach, arms, legs..Maybe one day I can get it all removed. But I look awesome in my I don't care, I am healthy and look good and I would do it again...I tried exercising but it doesnt help the skin..
   — okbuffy

March 5, 2010
age, elasticity,exercise, and damge to skin all play into how much excess skin you will have. I have a little, but not enought to really bother me. The upper thighs and breasts are the worst. But I don't mind this. I look fab in clothes and my hubby doesn't mind. No one will ever be happy with their body and there has to be a time when one can say I love myself. Excess skin is no biggie to me. I had 120 lbs to lose and did it in less than 10 months, but I exercised for an hour at a curves type place and walked an hour about 5 days a week. If you are young it should tighten up more than a middle aged persons would But If you have stretch marks it will hang. ...Its all very individualized. Best of luck! Hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

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