I dont seem to be losing .. any ideas ?

I am 4 weeks out of surgery and have only lost 11 pounds and i seem stuck there i am not losing or gaining ... not moving at all... My dietician and nurses have said i need more protien and more calories ... i have increased them both and still dont seem to be losing.... im feeling very frusterated after going through all this not to see results like i was told id see..... if anyone has been in this position please talk to me    — oofins2002 (posted on February 27, 2008)

February 27, 2008
There are people that just do not lose fast. You're only a month out. Give it time and see if exercise helps. You don't have to do anything very strenuous...Even if you are lifting two 16/32 oz cans of soup while watching TV...Anything to help build muscle (which helps you loose weight faster) Give yourself more time to heal...and don't get discouraged, you just might have to wait a little longer to see results. Keep asking at your Post Op doc appts. But give it time for now.. Good luck
   — .Anita R.

February 27, 2008
What are you eating? The first 2 weeks all I can have is a clear diet. Then the next 2 weeks all I can have is a pureed diet.
   — barfiep01

February 27, 2008
Like the other people said your only 4 weeks out. I dont think you need more calories although I am not a dr. I had clear liquids and sugar free jello the first couple of weeks and that was very minimal so I dont see whay they are saying you need more calories. Then you go to pureed foods. You will lose the weight believe me. If you had the band you lose weight slower too
   — Joanc

February 27, 2008
did you have a bypass or lap band how much is your start weight?
   — kathy05

February 27, 2008
For protein, you might try taking protein capules. There's only one on the market. It's called Capsul-Pro and you can get it a Good luck!
   — jonedwards

February 27, 2008
Hi Sandy - You didn't mention if you had lap band or bypass. I had bypass and to get my protein in I drank ISOPURE you can get it at GNC. It is a flavored liquid and comes in bottles. It comes in flavors like: grape, fruit punch, green apple, blueberry, orange-banana. It really doesn't taste bad. I liked the grape the best. Just follow the instructions they gave you. It will come off... I had times I didn't lose then all of a sudden when I had more protein I started losing again. I am 16 mos out and have lost 116 lbs. It works.. hang in there you are already doing awesome.... Best of Luck
   — niecie54

February 27, 2008
Hi, and congrats on your surgery♥ Which procedure did you have?? Sometimes with the LAPband ppl lose slower because theres less restriction...if so, see when your first fill is and take ALL Q's to your Doc or to your NUT...I had the LAP-RnY done feb.5 and have (to my own amazement) lost 27lbs...however..ive just stopped losing as im not sure for you. Best of luck though♥ April K.
   — littleguzla

February 27, 2008

   — stutzman

February 27, 2008
I got the lap band june of 07 and i had been stuck at a certain weight so the doctor tighten my band so you see your not the only one that stayed stuck at a certain weight i think we all go through that.
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

February 27, 2008
Keep your head up. everyone loose weight different. me I'am a slow looser. I had RNY Gastric bye pass a yr ago and i Only lost 54 lb. I was so depressed over the slow weight loss.I haven't lost any weight in 4 months. but however i got measured and there is a big difference in my clothes i lost 7 inches around my hips in 4 months. 4 inches around my waist . 5 inches around my back. and Im wearing a size 11/12 , appose to wearing a 20. so just because your loosing slow in the beginning doesn't mean your not loosing weight. remember the 23 bls you lost was water weight and not fat. you body could be working on fighting the fat. dont give up if you need a friend to talk to for support im always here. God bless you
   — yvettetas

February 27, 2008
Often times our bodies don't have what they need to survive, so they are not willing to let go of what it has stored. I have an awesome product. check out and click on what the doctors have to say and then find Dr. Titus Duncan. Let me know what you think.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 27, 2008
Don't know which surgery you had. I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectony four months ago. Stalls are part of the process. I stalled at two weeks for a ten day period and didn't stall again until 3.5 months. It is very helpful to join a support group. I would recommend that. Just hang in there. Pat
   — pjennjr

February 28, 2008
Aftger two months I stalled for three weeks, and then it started to move again, just like before. You will do OK. Just focus on what they tell you and stay away from the scales. We all have these problems in the beginning. I never regret having the surgery. I has changed my life and added years to it and I am still loosing. You can do it, just don't let it upset you. It is part of the process.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 1, 2008
Don't panic, Everyone is differant. I am out 12 months and hit differant plataus. I am in one now. 2 weeks no loss. It will start up soon as it did in the past. try to get as much protien (not through shakes.) (check with your Dr, on them. My Dr said no shakes. I am doing great after 1 yr out I have lost 248Lbs... i have 113 to go... Bobby
   — obx100

March 1, 2008
Congrats on your surgery! I'm 1 week postop and one of my buddies told me to make sure to take measurements because even when she didn't see a decrease on the scale her measurements still were going down. My suggestion, don't worry now. Take your measurements (neck, bust, waist, hips, thighs individually, and ankles) on Sunday. Then keep doing it every Sunday to track progress. You can do this!!!!!!!
   — Dana_B

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