No Appetite?

I have 2 months post-op. I've lost 67.5 lbs but I have no appetite. I am suppose to stay on a 400-600 calorie a day diet but I'm lucky if I get 300 a day in. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm not complaining but I just expected to have my appetite come back (like it has with all other weight loss programs.) Thanks!    — Sue L. (posted on April 12, 2008)

April 11, 2008
hello....yes i think everyone experiences this...i know with me it took about 8 mo before i had a real appetite...i'm almost a year out now and i still have days when i don't feel like eating much and then other days my pouch feels like a bottomless pit! in time your body will tell you when you'll need to eat but what's great is you won't get those terrible hunger pangs like before, at least i don't...sometimes you have to force yourself to eat otherwise your metabolism is going to slow down and your sugar will drop and it's not pleasant....make sure what you can eat is loaded with protein....good luck!
   — lizzie42

April 11, 2008
Yes, it lasted three months with me. If your RNY WLS Surgeon give you a small pouch without much of the former stomach, this will be the case. Are you recording your food in a interent based food dirary so you know exactly what protein, carbs, sugar and fate in addition to the calories that you are taking in. I did my on my own from a book, but the doctor asked me to use for one month ($9.00) and measure and weigh everything. I found out I was taking in not 400 calories a day but 800-900. He was happy with those numbers as he said too litle and I would start having other problems like tiredness, and loss of hair, and loss of mussele. Your doing great, but as youheal a little more inside, head hunger will creap in. I still set a alarm for my three meals a day and it fathfully at those times. Try measureing your food carefully and using an online direry and see if you find out some thinks you didn't know before. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 12, 2008
This is what makes the surgery such a success...There is no hunger....and sugar dumping affects most people and so they lose hunger pangs for sugars and complex carbs. This helps many people get past head hunger too. I did not feel hunger for two years and I was really faithful to my nutritionists recommended "life plan" hunger returned when I became testing the waters and adding back some bad choice foods.(sugars and non-complex carbs) I keep them in moderation and stick to the reasons for my surgery...HEALTH! Eat for health and it makes all the difference in your success. Your appetite will return after some time. Don't wish it back! Just keep healthy by taking your vitamins and supplements and one day you will eat like a normal small sized person...Continue to make good choices and you'll be fine! Good luck...
   — .Anita R.

April 12, 2008
Wow! 67 lbs in two months that is great. As another poster stated there are days I don't eat a lot and then there are days where my stomach is like a bottomless pit -- eat all day --or at least it feels like it. I'm almost 14 mths out and I'm starting to realize I really need to concentrate on eating more whole foods. I still eat a lot of salads, fruit, very little bread, lot of meats, nuts and stuff like that. Your appetite will not come back like it has with all other weight lost programs -- this program is definitely different and since you are 2 months post-op -- it will be awhile before your stomach gets to whole foods and things of that nature. Although the openings on the outside have healed; your stomach is still healing. So don't worry to much about your appetite coming back, it will some days and then there will be those when you don't want anything.
   — the7thdean

April 13, 2008
Hi and congratulations on the excellent weight loss. I know that I had the same thing happen to me when I first was out of surgery. I can't remember how long it took but it kind of goes away. I would say by about 4 months or so. I have the days when I am always hungry and can eat all day but most of the time I don't have them. You have to remember that this isn't just another weight loss program. It is a life changing one. Continued good luck to you.
   — Brenda R.

April 13, 2008
YUP!! lasted about 9 months after surgery -- and unforturnately the appitite came back -- 99% of the time i have it under control --the other 1% i kick myself in the ass for :) good luck to you :) roberta
   — RCassety

April 13, 2008
Congrats on the 67.5 lbs loss that is terrific! And yes that is what happens so don't worry, I used protein drink to supplement because I had the same thing happening for about 8 months.
   — jonicorona

April 13, 2008
Enjoy those benefits while you have them. It will come back, eventually. I did my best to keep my pouch small during the losing phase...and it has served me well....I'm 8 years post, and I still have a relatively small pouch...and my appetite is not fact the past 6 months I'm back to no appetite again. I just take my supplements and my protein shakes...and don't worry about the rest since my nutrition is pretty much covered. I know the time will come when I will be hungry again...and I'll have to watch my p's and q's. So I enjoy the no appetite periods. Regards~
   — Statuesque

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