
This may be a dumb question but is Activia good for people like us with "altered" digestive tracks? I'm just curious. I see the commericals and wonder if it would help or hurt. :)    — Mary G. (posted on September 25, 2008)

September 25, 2008
I use Activia light every morning, the strawberry one..the dietician at my docs office said it was good for me(i had IBS before surgery) and it would help keep me regular and the Activia light has less also fills me up, to me its really tasty, and its good for you! I do not have any more issues ( i am 7 1/2 wks out post op) with my IBS so far, which is something that would happen almost once a week) hth
   — dawnie28

September 25, 2008
The pro-biotics in Activia are a "good" bacteria that our bodies actually need to aid in digestion. Sometimes when people take ant-biotics, they kill off the good bacteria along with the bad..... Activia gives us good bacteria, but Activia has too much sugar. Definitely buy the low-sugar version. Another way to get in your pro-biotics is to take a pro-biotics supplement. Pharmacies and Wal-Mart sell them. One brand is called Digestive Advantage. My personal favorite is Oraldophilus Probiotic Formula, made by MaxiHealth. It's a chewable tablet, and it has Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Lactobacillus Sporogenes (the good bacteria). It also contains apple pectin, and slippery elm bark, which is soothing to the intestines and digestive system, as well as bromelain, papain, lipase, amaylase, protease, digestive aids. I buy it at Getting in pro-biotics helps digestion and helps prevent gas. I have noticed a decrease in gas since I started using the Oraldophilus.
   — Gina S.

September 25, 2008
The nitritionist at my surgery center actually recommends one Activia Light a day to help with regularity. She also recommends putting some protein powder in it to increase your protein intake.
   — sandra17

September 25, 2008
I'm not sure but I think Activia has to much sugar in it. If it's less than 12grams then it's fine for us.
   — Kbrisbon

September 26, 2008
I was eating yoplait probiotics and thought that it good for me too, but my doctor said flat out no and told me to stop eating it. I suffer from constipation terribly since rny 3 years ago. I now have to take prescription Senna for my constipation. I have since quit eating the stuff. Just thought I would let you know what my doctor told me.
   — trishhooper

September 26, 2008
I eat Activia Light - have since I got the OK to eat yogurt. So far, no ill side effects.
   — gonnadoit

September 26, 2008
I ate them for years post op...( i can tolerate the sugar in them) but I wanted to cut out most sugar in my diet and gave them up...I have not tried the light version that others are talking about...I never even save a light version! So I might have to check that out myself! I use Greek yogurt that i flavor myself with my own natural sweeteners and NSA preserves or pureed fruits... Greek yogurt has 3-4 times the protein, less sugar and the creamy taste is just out of this world delicious! I use it as a sourcream too...Low fat or no fat versions too! I use Fage. (pronounced fah-ya) But for the benefits probiotic benefits, I also take probiotic tablets and chewables on a regular basis. It keeps gas down and the smelly awful kind at bay! It keeps your intestinal flora (bateria) nice and healthy and balanced....But for a GREAT tasting, multi functional yogurt, try greek yogurt! Taste just like sour cream...I put it on burritos, in chili, as a meat dip with added garlic or dill...or I eat with fruit as a yogurt...or mixed into cool whip as a topping on whole fruits or low carb desserts like pumpkin or sweet potatoes with cinnamon...It's just awesome...I even make beef stroganoff (low fat version) and use the greek yogurt rather than sour cream!
   — .Anita R.

September 26, 2008
Not sure if you live close to a Kroger grocery store. They have a name brand yogurt called CarbMaster that is really good. 3 sugars, 2 carbs and 12 PROTEIN!!!
   — BugJune

September 26, 2008
You guys are all awesome!! Thank you so much for your responses.
   — Mary G.

September 26, 2008
Activia does what it does because it has probiotics in it. You can buy probiotic pills/tablets/liquid if you don't want the sugar/dairy/calories or eat other brands of yogurt and get the same thing. If you can handle the sugar, then it certainly won't hurt you... may or may not help. Enjoy.
   — mrsidknee

September 27, 2008
My surgeon recommended Activia to me but use the light version. I hate yogurt but I had thrush after surgery and she said it would help......Good Luck
   — traly77

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